School of Business

Welcome to the School of Business at Nipissing University

Nipissing University’s School of Business offers a number of programs with flexible delivery options. We provide a wholesome approach to learning that gives you more than a degree. Along with core business knowledge, you will develop professional and social skills. The program’s combination of theoretical background, practical skills, real life experience, and techniques to hone independent thinking and problem-solving skills will give you an advantage and a better chance of success in a competitive market.

Choose the program that's right for you...

At the North Bay Campus

Students choose Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario because of its friendly community and commitment to providing one of the best undergraduate student experiences in Canada.

The Bachelor of Commerce program at our North Bay campus is only available to students who are completing a dual degree program.​ 

At a College Partner Campus

Nipissing has partnerships with Algonquin, Centennial, Lambton and St. Clair Colleges and offers degree completion programs for their graduates of a 3-year advanced diploma in business, 2-year business diploma in business and Esports program. Fast track completion of a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a blend of online coursework and classes at a partner college campus.


We welcome students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. If you are a graduate of post-secondary education, a working professional, a new comer to Canada or someone who has graduated from high school and want to earn a Bachelor of Commerce degree (BComm), this pathway is for you.

Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas and Certificates

The School of Business offers a series of certificates and diplomas to meet the needs of students wishing to learn about business in shorter periods of time compared to a typical degree program. Click here for more information.

Business Co-op 1

The School of Business BBA Co-op Program is an integrated approach to university education that enables students to alternate academic terms on campus with work terms in suitable employment. The success of such programs is founded on the principle that students can apply theoretical knowledge from course studies in the workplace and return to the classroom with practical workplace experience.

For more information on co-op, click here or email