Creating Audio/Video Content:
It’s always best to decide how you will caption your content prior to creating it. Here are a few suggestions:
- Use PowerPoint for Microsoft Office 365 to create captioned presentations
- It is important that high-quality audio recordings are created. We recommend that you work with a Learning Systems Technologist to discuss your recording method and equipment to ensure a high-quality recording is being created.
Adding Captioning to Already Created Content:
Upload your content into YouTube to auto-generate captions and edit them as needed.
Other Tips for Creating Visual Content:
- Choose sans serif fonts such as Arial or Calibri.
- Font size should be between 12 and 18 points.
- Use high-contrast colours for text and background.
- Use bold font for emphasis.
- Use word processing and HTML formats.
- Avoid PDF and protected Word documents.
Presenting Material Live or as A Recording:
- Make all visuals big enough to be read from the back.
- Limit the use of motion or animations.
- Give material in advance and recorded content after.
- Provide captions and/or transcripts for audio.
- Verbally describe visual content in presentations/videos.
For more information on how to make audio and video media accessible, please visit: Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Contact Us:
Student Accessibility Services -
The Teaching Hub -
Human Resources & Equity Advisor -