Biidaaban Academic Support (BAS) is a tutoring program for local Indigenous youth in grades 1 to 12, with a focus on mathematics and literacy. Nipissing University student volunteers offer one-on-one support, in-person or virtually, either during the school day, or after school hours.
Parents/Guardians: Register your child for tutoring
Please complete the registration form below and email to the Biidaaban Community Service-Learning Officer, at indigenousprograms@nipissingu.ca.
Biidaaban Academic Support Registration Form
Program Dates
October 2024 to March 2025. Schedules are adapted to student needs and availability.
Program Locations (schools)
North Bay, Sturgeon Falls and Nipissing First Nation.
Eligible schools: Schools fall within the Near North District School Board, Nipissing Parry Sound Catholic District School Board, and Nipissing First Nation.
Become a Tutor (for Nipissing University Students)
Open to all Nipissing University students. Register as a tutor by contacting the Biidaaban Community Service-Learning Officer in the Office of Indigenous Initiatives, at indigenousprograms@nipissingu.ca, or drop-in at F215-D, in the Office of Indigenous Initiatives. You will be asked to participate in a casual interview.
Please bring:
- A copy of a valid Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC)
- Your class schedule
Community impact
In order for us to measure the impact of tutoring supports for Indigenous youth and tutors, it is important for tutors to record their work by submitting tutoring reports online. Submit Tutor Report
On average, students tutor for 1-3 hours per week throughout the school year.
Benefits of becoming a Tutor
Support Community
- Connect with real people, share in their experiences, learn from them
- Provide human resources where there is a need
- Enhance social awareness and sense of responsibility
- Get to know your community beyond the campus
Professional Development
- Meet people and network
- Learn from experience
- Develop skills and broaden knowledge (critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, communication)
Personal Growth
- Gain perspective
- Assess your strengths, motivations and passions
- Increase understanding of concepts learned in class
- Get to know yourself in different contexts and in relation to others
The Office of Indigenous Initiatives recognizes the volunteer work of students in community. Biidaaban Academic Support is RSD approved.
For tutors who complete 10 hours or more of tutoring: you could be eligible to receive free training (webinars, workshops, etc.)
Emailing the Biidaaban Community Service-Learning Officer, at indigenousprograms@nipissingu.ca for further information.
Tutor Training
In order to qualify for the Biidaaban Academic Support program, we ask that you take the time to view these 3 mandatory workshops (videos):
- Duty to Report (15 minutes, youtube video)
- Tutoring 101 (53 minutes, youtube video)
- Online Etiquette and Professionalism (34 minutes, youtube video)
Support links:
To register, or for more information, email Biidaaban Community Service-Learning Officer, at indigenousprograms@nipissingu.ca.
Niminowaazmin (Year-end celebration)
Niminowaazmin is the Office of Indigenous Initiatives' year-end celebration for Biidaaban youth programs including Biidaaban Youth Group and Biidaaban Academic Support, honouring the successes of participating youth, their families, as well as our partners, tutors, student volunteers and employees.
Niminowaazmin is an Ojibwe (Anishinaabe) word that means "we are celebrating".
Virtual and in person activities to include traditional teachings, cultural and artistic activities, games, and door prizes.
When: TBD
Where: TBD
Biidaaban Academic Support is presented in partnership with the Office of Indigenous Initiatives, the Near North District School Board, the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board, and Nbisiing Secondary School at Nipissing First Nation.
For more information, contact the Biidaaban Community Service-Learning Officer, 705-474-3450 x4586 / indigenousprograms@nipissingu.ca