What is NU Success?
NU Success is a collaborative initiative through Student Development & Services that embodies Nipissing University’s vision to provide an exceptional and personalized student experience with an emphasis on excellence, innovation, and creativity in academics and student life.
Nipissing University is committed to supporting students in the realization of their intellectual and personal potential, while acknowledging the importance community development, engagement, and timely access to services and supports play in the success of our diverse student population.
To support student learning, student success, and to continue to maintain our reputation as leaders in student satisfaction at Nipissing University, NU Success offers three distinct programs and a variety of initiatives.
Student Emergency Fund
The Student Emergency Fund assists Nipissing University students by providing emergency financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses due to an emergency.
Vocantas Scaller
An outreach campaign to provide students with the opportunity to let the University know if they would like support or information about a service on campus.
Student Retention Alert
An early alert program to provide timely support to students who may be facing challenges that are negatively impacting their success.
I Heart NU
Focuses on student appreciation, community development and engagement. I Heart NU continues to build strong relationships between students and the University.
For more information about these programs and initiatives, click the links below or email us at nusuccess@nipissingu.ca.