Student Development Fund Policy


The purpose of the Student Development Fund is to assist start-up projects or initiatives, which contribute to the objective of student development at Nipissing University. This program provides funds for special projects and initiatives that enrich the University community. Nipissing University is committed to the professional, personal and social success of its students, student groups and clubs. Projects that are dedicated to the principles of personal and community development, health and wellness and, in particular, provide extra and co-curricular educational opportunities for students to build leadership, citizenship, intercultural awareness and/or community-building skills are encouraged. To promote programs and initiatives to address and support issues related to mental health and well-being on campus, a portion of the funds will be targeted for such projects. The Nipissing University Student Development Fund is administered through the Office of Student Development and Services.

Applications are encouraged from both individuals and formally recognized student groups and clubs. All applicants must be full or part-time students of Nipissing University in the academic year that funding is being requested. Individual applicants must have a minimum cumulative average of 65%. Eligible students must be attending either the North Bay or the Muskoka campus. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of their individual merit. Amounts allocated will be competitive depending on the number and quality of all applications. Only one application per student or student group per academic year will be considered. In order for an application to be considered, the project or activity must be not for profit and not related to academic programs such as a class lecture, lab, practicum or internship. The project should support co-curricular events and activities so to provide an opportunity to a wide populous of students.


The Student Development Fund Committee

The role of the Committee is to evaluate applications for the fund and to update the policies and procedures pertaining to the Student Development Fund, as necessary. The Nipissing University Student Development Fund Policy is considered valid until revised.  The committee composition shall be an even number of representatives drawn equally from the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU) and the Office of Student Development and Services. The Assistant Vice-President, Students will act as a non-voting member, except in the event of a tie. Committee membership shall be updated annually between May 1st and May 31st.

Committee membership shall be comprised of the following representatives:

  • 2 executive members of the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU)
  • 2 staff members of the Office of Student Development and Services
  • The Assistant Vice-President, Students (Chair)

The committee reserves the right to accept or reject applications based solely on their discretion. Decisions made by the committee are final and are not subject to appeal.


Eligible Expenses

Below is a list of items that are and are not eligible for funding through the Student Development Fund. Should ineligible items be purchased with the provided funds, students and student groups run the risk of losing the opportunity for consideration for subsequent requests to the Student Development Fund.

Eligible items - items, costs, equipment and expenses that can be purchased using funds provided by the Student Development Fund:

  • Speaker fees and associated expenses (including travel)
  • Room and equipment rental associated with the organization for meetings and conferences
  • Supplies (such as badges, labels, paper, etc.)
  • Marketing, promotional or communication expenses
  • Travel expenses
  • Other operating expenses not excluded below
  • Educational programming costs


Ineligible items - items, costs, equipment, and expenses that cannot be purchased using funds provided by the Student Development Fund:

  • Purchase of food or beverages
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Expenses such as gifts, charitable donations, wages, or volunteer recognition activities
  • Expenses in support of individuals attending a meeting or conference or individual training
  • Purchase of technology (hardware or software)


The Fund

Maintenance of the Student Development Fund is determined by the Assistant Vice-President, Students, via the recommendation of the Compulsory Ancillary Fees Committee and the Nipissing University Budget Committee during the annual budget process for the institution. The total amount determined is held in trust by the University in an Office of Student Development and Services account.



The Student Development Fund Committee will be responsible for ensuring that all applications are considered with the same standards and are evaluated consistently. The process evaluates projects through an open, competitive and objective selection process. Projects will be judged using the following criteria:

  • Originality of project and objectives and level of innovation
  • Clarity of project description
  • Perceived value of project to individual or group and the university
  • Appropriateness of method
  • Viability of timetable and budget
  • Probability of project completion


The Student Development Fund committee reserves the right to request that students create a formal presentation to go along with their application.


Reporting Requirements

Upon approval of funding, students agree to complete a final report for the Office of Student Development and Services within fourteen (14) days of return to Nipissing University from the project, activity or conference. The report will describe the overall success of the project and the results in reference to the expected value of the project. Reports must include the following information:

  • Project title
  • List of participant(s)
  • Name of person completing the report
  • Contact information of person completing the report (email and phone number)
  • Project funding:
      -        Description of the outcome of the project (i.e. describe what has been achieved as a result of the funding, how many people were affected, etc.)
  • Individual funding:
     -      Description of the applicant’s participation in the conference: sessions attended and the impact on the application of the learning experience
  • Include feedback obtained from participants and indicate their level of satisfaction.
  • Describe how the expenditures are related to the funding approved and attach copies of receipts for all expenditures related to this activity



The Student Development Fund Committee will consider projects that meet the following criteria:

  • The maximum value contributed to any proposal shall not exceed $2,500.00.
  • On a case by case basis, if special circumstances are presented and supported with documentation, the Student Development Fund Committee may consider additional funding for the proposal.
  • Funding is normally for one-time or start-up projects but in exceptional situations a project may be considered for two-year funding based on the evaluation and approval by the Student Development Committee. A project will not be considered for three (3) years of funding.
  • Application Period:
     -      Applications for funding will be accepted beginning on August 1st for consideration for the current fiscal year.
    -      Applications received between March 1st and August 1st will be held until the first meeting of the new academic year.
  • Projects/initiatives must be endorsed by the majority of Student Development Fund Committee membership where the Assistant Vice-President, Students acts as a deciding vote in the event of a tie.
  • Applications to be considered by the committee will not normally be included for full funding in either the Nipissing University Student Union or Nipissing University Office of Student Development and Services budgets.


Application Requirements

Project applications must contain the following information:

  • The specific objectives of the proposed project.
  • A sustainability plan must be included, if applicable.
  • A start date and completion date (if applicable) for project activities.
  • How this project/initiative will enhance student development objectives for a defined group of students or the larger Nipissing University community.
  • The number of students expected to benefit from the proposed project.
  • The length of the project commitment.
  • Other funding options that have been explored and what funds have been raised in support of the project.
  • A proposed brief budget including other sources of funding (if applicable) and expenses related to the project or initiative).

For individual requests, the application should include the above as well as details and describe how the applicant intends to share the knowledge gained from the experience with other Nipissing University students, for example, a news article, workshop or presentation.

The Student Development Fund will only reimburse pre-approved expenses with receipts. The Student Development Fund Committee will not consider applications received after an event or activity has taken place. If information is missing on the application form or the information is insufficient to demonstrate the funding request, the Committee may ask for additional information from the applicant.



The purpose of the Nipissing University Student Development Fund is to provide students and student groups with financial support that is conducive to their academic and social success. Funds provided through the Nipissing University Student Development Fund do not indicate that Nipissing University sanctions the event. As such, the University assumes no liability for or in consequence of any attendance or participation in an activity or event. The fund is not intended to provide an annual source of income for recurring projects. First priority will be given to requests for new initiatives and seed money required to start a project. Nipissing University is committed to the development of its students and will actively strive to ensure that equal opportunities for advancement are given to all students.