Student Access Guarantee

Nipissing University believes that all qualified students should have access to postsecondary education.  To demonstrate this, we have committed to partnering with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities in the Student Access Guarantee. 

What are the principles of SAG?

  • No qualified Ontario student should be prevented from attending Ontario's public colleges and universities due to a lack of financial support programs; and 
  • Students in need should have access to the resources they need for their tuition, books, compulsory fees, equipment and supplies.

The Student Awards and Financial Aid Office administers government and institutionally-funded financial aid through loans, bursaries, scholarships, awards and work study to address student need.  We will provide assistance, to students who seek it, if unmet need related to tuition, books, compulsory fees, equipment and/or supplies exists after the student's own contribution has been assessed and after OSAP has been accessed.​

Note that if a student withdraws from full-time studies, any student access guarantee funding issued for the year may be reversed.