Nipissing University has suspended admission to the BScN Scholar Practitioner Program. Click for more information on the BScN program delivered in North Bay.
Toronto, Full-time, 2-year
The Scholar Practitioner Program is an innovative second degree nursing program for university graduates who would like to pursue nursing at the BScN level. It also offers a way to become a nurse that is highly learner centred and responsive to changes in contemporary health care. The premise of the program is that nurses need to be clinically competent and theoretically sound thinkers as developing “scholar practitioners.” This program prepares graduates to carry out knowledge work in a holistic healing relationship, to serve individuals and larger communities at home and internationally, and to generate new forms of knowledge to support inter-professional health-care practice.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
More Information
Program Location:
The Michener Institute of Education at UHN
222 St. Patrick Street, Suite 618
Toronto, Ontario M5T 1V4
Telephone: 647-808-5700
For additional information about the Scholar Practitioner Program, contact Baiba Zarins, SPP Program Manager by phone (647-808-5700) or via email (baibaz@nipissingu.ca).
Learners are initially assigned to a partner health care agency upon program admission. Additional affiliate organizations are utilized throughout the program curriculum, as available, to offer a broad learning experience.
The Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP) Program Overview
Information on the background of this innovative program.
Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance Letter
Required for students with a positive TB skin test result
Learner Handbook
Handbook is to assist in understanding more fully the policies, practices, and procedures of the School of Nursing.
Preceptor Handbook
SPP preceptors contribute greatly to the overall growth, development and education of future nurses in a most unique individualized learning environment.
Completing a Police Vulnerable Sector Check with the Toronto Police Service
Nursing students who have a permanent Toronto address (postal code begins with ‘M’) must complete a Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC) with the Toronto Police Service (TPS).
Clinical incident form
For any adverse event please complete the following incident form including the student reflection and learning questions.
Credential Assessment Form
Request form for Official School of Nursing Credential Assessment.
Professional Conduct Policy
Students are responsible for all associated costs and expenses incurred for application to or while enrolled within any Nursing program.
These may include, but are not limited to, the following: BCLS-HCP CPR certification, criminal reference check/vulnerable sector screening clearance, mask-fit testing, required lab/practicum equipment and/or supplies, licensure preparatory requirements, transportation to and from any theoretical and/or practicum course placement, etc.
SPP Newsletters
Academic Support Services
Our goal is to support your academic and personal development. Look for assistance with accessibility services, learning style assessments, writing skills, writing formats, study strategies, time management, note-taking skills, academic resources, group seminars, peer support, career development activities, and more. Learn More...
Financial Support Services
Achieve your goals on time and on budget. We’ll help you fund your education through scholarships, awards, bursaries, government assistance, and work study programs. Learn More...
Scholarships, awards and bursaries for students in Nursing program
Internationalize your Degree
If you want to experience a year or a semester at one of our partner schools across the globe, we have support services and programs to help you get there. If you want to assist International students with adjusting to life in Canada, we’ll connect you. Check out your options...
Personal Counselling Services
Our registered counsellors offer free, year-round personal counselling services, specialized therapeutic groups, referral services and a host of wellness, educational and awareness events to all full- and part-time undergraduate and graduate students. Learn More...
Leadership and Community Engagement
If you are eager to get involved beyond the classroom, take part in the annual Undergraduate Research Conference, which gives you the opportunity to present your work to peers, professors, and family members. You may also have opportunity to work as a Research Assistant to help a professor conduct research and gain valuable experience at the same time.
Record of Student Development
Your experience at Nipissing University is more than just the time spent learning great things in lectures, labs, and seminars. It’s also about the activities you are involved in outside of the classroom, the causes you champion to make change on campus, the clubs you organize, the awards you receive, the workshops you participate in, the volunteering you do, and all the learning that occurs outside of the classroom.
The Record of Student Development (RSD) is Nipissing University's way of recognizing that learning is happening everywhere on campus. It is a formal record, otherwise known as a co-curricular transcript, where you can include workshops, volunteer experiences, awards, activities, and on campus employment experiences that you participate in throughout your degree.
Each RSD Approved activity in our database is linked to competency areas employers are looking for such as:
- Critical Thinking
- Leadership
- Digital Literacy
- Equity and Diversity
- Emotional and Interpersonal Intelligence
- & more!
To see the full list of competencies and get started building your Record of Student Development go to: rsd.nipissingu.ca
Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU)
Students attending Nipissing University in North Bay and long distance students are members of the Nipissing University Student Union. Our organization strives to represent students democratically, provide a communication framework, and lobby for legislative change on issues that affect students.
Exercise and healthy competition always help to clear the mind.
Nipissing’s Athletics Department offers a wide range of intramural activities to keep you on your game
Club sports are available to all Nipissing students and are both recreational and competitive.
Go Lakers! Our varsity athletes always bring their “A” game. Get your friends together and come out to cheer on your favourite teams.
Whether you are a gym enthusiast or a weekend warrior, Nipissing has just what you need.
Full-time Faculty
- Adjunct ProfessorBachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP)Extension—Website—
- Associate ProfessorBachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP)Extension4844Website—
- Adjunct ProfessorBachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP)Extension—EmailWebsite—
- Extension4914EmailWebsite—
- Clinical Placement CoordinatorBachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP)Extension4661Website—
- Extension4567EmailWebsite—
After graduation, you will be eligible to write the national licensing exam. Upon successful licensure, you will enter a rewarding profession of endless opportunity within health care.
Graduates of the Nipissing University School of Nursing commence their nursing careers within local, national and international health care delivery environments. Many excel in their careers to become leaders in nursing and health care organizations.
Nipissing takes pride in knowing that, as a graduate of the nursing program, you will be equipped with the required nursing knowledge, skills, and competencies that you will need to meet your goals. You will be well positioned to work within the many domains of nursing such as public health, community and hospital nursing, health education, and case management. You may also consider future directions in academic or research institutions, furthering your education with graduate studies, or starting your career in today’s complex health care system, research-related jobs,or administration. Whatever career path you choose, Nipissing will have prepared you for a rewarding and challenging experience
Nipissing University’s programs in the School of Nursing are approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario.
Our programs are also accredited by the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing.
The School of Nursing is proud to be designated by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario as a Best Practice Spotlight Organization.