Draft Executive Compensation Program

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The required feedback period for the draft Nipissing University Executive Compensation Program is now complete. As required by legislation, a public consultation period took place for 30 days between March 12, 2018 and April 10, 2018. Comments and feedback will be reviewed and considered in finalizing the program. Feedback will be reviewed confidentially by Human Resources and will be summarized for the purpose of finalizing the program. Finally, it will be sent to the government for approval to implement.​

Monday, March 12, 2018

Message to the Nipissing University community:

In 2014, the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act was introduced, authorizing the Ontario government to establish compensation frameworks for designated employers in order to manage executive compensation in the Broader Public Sector (BPS).

Executive compensation in the BPS has been restrained (frozen) for eight years under the Public Sector Compensation Restraint to Protect Public Services Act, 2010, and the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act, 2012. In other words, salaries and other compensation elements that were in place in 2010 have not increased for these designated positions. Once the Draft Executive Compensation Program of a designated employer receives final approval from the Province, that freeze will be lifted with specific constraints in place.

It is imperative that Nipissing University operate in a fiscally responsible manner while providing fair and equitable compensation to employees. 

We received notification from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development on February 22, 2018, that Nipissing University’s Draft Executive Compensation Program was approved for posting on our website to allow for a thirty (30) day public consultation period. The program outlines the compensation arrangements for the University’s three designated executives: the President and Vice-Chancellor; the Provost & Vice-President, Academic & Research; and the Vice-President, Finance & Administration.

As required by the legislation, this public consultation period of thirty (30) days begins today, March 12, 2018. Feedback can be sent to execcompfeedback@nipissingu.ca. Comments will be accepted up to April 10, 2018

Gord Durnan
Chair, Nipissing University Board of Governors

General Information

For further information regarding the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Accountability Act, the BPS Executive Compensation Program, the BPS Executive Compensation Program Directive and the BPS Executive Compensation Guide, please click here.

 Nipissing University Draft Executive Compensation Program