Bachelor of Education Deferral Requests

Applicants admitted to the 2-year Bachelor of Education who are unable to begin their studies for the term admitted to may submit a request for a deferral. 

Deferral Requests 

  • Reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Not guaranteed and decisions are at the discretion of Nipissing. 


  • Approvals are not transferable to any other division and/or teaching subject.  If you change your mind as to what division and/or teaching subject, you are interested in you will need to reapply for admission consideration as a new applicant. 
  • Applicants approved to defer are not eligible to attend any postsecondary institution during the deferral period. If you attend an accredited postsecondary institution after being granted a deferral (without prior approval), your deferral will be rescinded. Once a deferral is rescinded you will be required to reapply for admission consideration to Nipissing as a new applicant and be required to disclose all new academic information.  
  • Once approved, tuition deposits (if applicable) will be moved to your next start term. Any tuition paid will be refunded and you will be deregistered from your courses. 
  • There is no cost to request a deferral. You will, however, be required to fill out an application for the intake you deferred to and pay the appropriate application fee.  You will not be required to submit any documentation.  All documents will be kept and added to your application. 


Deferral requests for medical reasons (unforeseen illness or medical condition) only will be accepted for consideration. This includes both physical and mental health illnesses and/or conditions. 

Next Steps 

Before submitting a deferral request you must have: 

  • Accepted your offer of admission. See your offer of admission letter for information on how to accept. 
  • Met all conditions of your offer and have no outstanding documents required. You should check WebAdvisor regularly to track receipt of required documents. Login information is provided in your acknowledgement package that is mailed and/or emailed to you. A checklist of required documents will appear under Important Documents – Outstanding/Received under the Prospective Student menu. Please allow up to 7 business days for any documents received to be reflected on WebAdvisor. 
  • Reviewed the information in the tab below that best fits your applicant category.