
Pride Logos

Type Sample
TypePride - Wordmark Sample
TypePride - NU Symbol Sample
TypePride - Lakers Sample
TypePride - Email Footer/Signature Sample
TypePride - Alternate Email Footer/Signature Sample
Nipissing Logo

Consistent use of the Nipissing University logo, which is made up of two elements - the symbol and the wordmark, will help to increase the visibility of Nipissing University, project a strong institutional image, and provide a more cohesive and coordinated identity. This logo can be used in a variety of applications and is available in four options. The design of the logo ensures a positive and recognizable impact, even when reduced to a small size.

For authorized use of the Nipissing University logo or wordmark, please direct your request to the Marketing & Communications department via communications@nipissingu.ca or call 705-474-3450.

This manual contains instructions on the execution of the various aspects of Nipissing University’s visual communication. Proper display of this logo is an integral part of this program. The rules governing its use, colour, size and positioning must be followed exactly as outlined. Improper use of the logo will weaken the effectiveness of the consistent identity Nipissing University is projecting. Please note that the symbol should not appear without the wordmark, however, the wordmark may appear without the symbol.

There are no guidelines set out for incorporating this logo into a design using techniques such as varnish, die cuts, embossing etc. These attempts at reproduction should be left up to design professionals, once they are familiar with the standards set out in this manual.

Primary Logo

Type Sample Usage
TypeTwo Colour Logo Sample
two-tone logo
UsageThis logo should be used in most cases. Otherwise, use the Two Colour Wordmark.

Alternative Logos

Type Sample Usage
TypeBlack and White Logo Sample
one colour black and white logo
UsageBlack and white print publications
TypeTwo Colour Wordmark Sample
two colour wordmark
UsageUse as an alternative to the primary logo
TypeBlack and White Wordmark Sample
black and white wordmark
UsageBlack and white print publication
TypeReverse/Inverted Logo Sample
reverse logo
UsageOn a black/dark background

Do Not Change or Modify the Logo

The following are examples of improper logos and improper logo usage:

Improper Nipissing University Logos