The Nipissing University-Alcan Environmental Research Preserve (NUAERP) consists of over 3 km2 of wilderness land located approximately 45 km east of North Bay. The property was donated to Nipissing University by Alcan Canada in 1999 with the condition that the land remain in a pristine state and that it be used for environmental research.
The property encompasses a range of aquatic, wetland and terrestrial environments including coniferous and deciduous forests representative of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Forest Region. The property is bounded by Lake Talon to the southwest and offers shoreline access to a number of smaller lakes. The range of terrestrial and aquatic environments makes the NUAERP a unique and valuable resource for research and teaching activities in the environmental sciences. This undeveloped property is relatively inaccessible and, together with the surrounding crown land, forms a controlled watershed making it an ideal situation for long-term environmental research.
Two skidoos, several boats and a cottage are available at the station.