Future Mature/Transfer Students

Mature/Transfer Student Recruitment

Transferring from College

College Transfer Students are:

  • students who attend college prior to enrolling at Nipissing University, and
  • may or may not have received advanced standing.

Transferring from University

University Transfer Students are:

  • students who have attended another university prior to enrolling at Nipissing University, and
  • may or may not have received transfer credit(s).

Mature Students are:

  • 20 years of age or older by the end of their first semester at Nipissing University,
  • have been away from formal education (secondary school, community college, etc.) for at least the previous two years, and
  • are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

This definition is used by Nipissing University for admissions purposes. In actuality, many students may identify as mature by virtue of having more life, educational, or professional experiences, having family or caregiving responsibilities, returning to studies after a number of years, or other additional life responsibilities.

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