Dr. Rick Vanderlee
Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSOs) are health-care and academic organizations selected by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) to implement and evaluate the RNAO's best practice guidelines.
Nipissing will utilize the funding to integrate clinical best practice guidelines into the curriculum through courses and learning activities, as well as through simulation activities in each of its programs. The funding will enhance each of the School’s Nursing opportunities, including the RPN to BScN Bridging and Collaborative Nipissing University-Canadore College Bachelor of Science programs, the RPN to BScN Blended Learning Program, and the Scholar Practitioner Program.
The RNAO’s Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship program provides registered nurses (RN) and nurse practitioners (NP) the opportunity to have a focused self-directed learning experience to develop clinical, leadership or best practice guideline implementation knowledge and skills, with support from a mentor, the organization where the RN/NP is employed, and RNAO. This initiative is aimed at developing and promoting nursing knowledge and expertise, and improving client care and health outcomes in Ontario. For more information on the program, and the RNAO, please visit the website, here.