Congratulations! You either have been offered admission to Consecutive Education or are on track to progress to Year 5 of Concurrent Education.
Please read carefully and follow the instructions and dates outlined on this website.
We will continue to communicate with you through your MyNipissing account. Please check WebAdvisor to verify that we receive all required documentation by the applicable deadline. Please check your email account regularly as we may email you with important information or a question or concern that requires a timely response. Failure to check MyNipissing or email could affect the status of your offer of admission.
Important Dates
March 7, 2025
Consecutive Education: Accept Your Offer of Admission. Domestic applicants: Indicate your response through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) website. You will require your OUAC username and password. International applicants: Indicate your response through the International Application Service portal. *Late responses will not be accepted.
Concurrent Education: Submit Your Intent to Register Form. This form can be found in your information package that you picked up in the Registrar's Office or was mailed to you. It can be dropped off at the Registrar’s Office (F209) or emailed to
March 7, 2025
Both Consecutive and Concurrent Education: Practicum Registration Form due. Please review practicum options and detailed instructions here. Failure to submit the required documentation by the deadline will result in a $75 late fee and possible cancellation of the practicum.
April 1, 2025
Concurrent Education: Deadline to apply to graduate. Apply to graduate using the form found on WebAdvisor under Academic Profile.
May 1, 2025
Both Consecutive and Concurrent Education: Apply for your Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC). The process to obtain a PVSC can take up to 6 months when police services are receiving a high volume of requests (which is common at the beginning of a new academic year). A PVSC issued prior to May 1, 2025, will not be accepted. Failure to submit an acceptable PVSC by 4:30 pm on September 8, 2025, will result in a $75 late fee and the cancellation of your practicum. Police Vulnerable Sector Check Procedures.
May 31, 2025
Concurrent Education: Deadline to be approved to graduate. All requirements for your undergraduate degree, as well as all Concurrent Education and teaching subject requirements must be completed prior to this date. Confirmation of your approval to graduate must be received by this date.
June 2, 2025
Both Consecutive and Concurrent Education: Non-Refundable Admission Deposit of $500.00^ due. Mail a cheque or money order to the University. Payment can also be made through online banking. It is highly recommended that you pay through online banking. *Late deposits will not be accepted.
^The deposit for international students is $2,000 CAD. This can be paid through PayMyTuition. Instructions can be found in your offer letter.
June 30, 2025
Consecutive Education: Final Transcript is due. If you received a conditional offer of admission, you must submit a final transcript that shows your degree has been conferred and all required courses are completed. (Transcripts from Ontario universities should be ordered through OUAC. You must contact your university directly for all transcripts from outside Ontario. Nipissing students do not need to order a Nipissing transcript.)
Consecutive Education: Legal proof of name change due, if documents reflect a different name than current name (unless previously provided upon application).
Mid July 2025
Consecutive Education: You will gain access to your Nipissing email. From this point on, we will communicate with you through your Nipissing email account.
Early August 2025
Consecutive Education: Registration information will be emailed to your Nipissing email account. All students entering the Consecutive Bachelor of Education program will be registered in all of their courses by the Office of the Registrar. An email will be sent to you in early August including information about your timetable, parking, tuition fees, textbooks, student accessibility services, financial aid, scholarships, bursaries and awards, meal plans, athletics and student union.
Concurrent Education: Registration information will be emailed to your Nipissing email account.
September 2, 2025
Classes begin. Monitor your Nipissing email for more information about your first week of classes.
September 8, 2025
Both Consecutive and Concurrent Education:
Police Vulnerable Sector Check due by 4:30 pm. Failure to provide an acceptable PVSC by the deadline will result in a $75 late fee and the possible cancellation of your practicum. For further information please review the Police Vulnerable Sector Check document that was included in your offer of admission or Police Vulnerable Check Procedures website.
Health & Safety and Concussion training certificates due by 4:30 pm. Failure to provide both documents will result in a $75 late fee (per document) and the possible cancellation of your practicum. Further information can be found on the document included in your offer of admission or the Health and Safety Requirements for Practicum website.
Please view the important information about your Bachelor of Education program:
- Frequently Asked Questions for students offered admission to Consecutive Education
- Important Dates for students offered admission to Consecutive Education
- Frequently Asked Questions and Important Dates for Concurrent Education progressing to the Professional Years (Years 5 and 6)
- Practicum Information
- Practicum Registration Form
- Health & Safety and Concussion Training Requirements
- Police Vulnerable Sector Check Information
- Tuition and Fees
- BEd Schedule 2025-2026
- Residence Information
Please direct inquiries to the appropriate department:
Office of the Registrar – Admissions
705.474.3450 ext. 4600 |
Schulich School of Education - Practice Teaching
705.474.3450 ext. 4555 |
Tuition and Fees
705.474.3450 ext. 4419 |
Financial Aid/Student Awards
705.474.3450 ext. 4311 |
Student Accessibility Services
705.474.3450 ext. 4362 |
705.474.3450 ext. 4855 |
Off Campus Living
705.474.3450 ext. 4242 |