Record of Student Development

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What is the Record of Student Development (RSD)?

The RSD is a co-curricular transcript that students actively build throughout their studies by participating in workshops, training, volunteering, leadership roles, or on-campus employment and logging in to record their involvement on their online RSD account. 

Does Your Degree Tell Your Story?

Your experience at Nipissing University is more than just the time spent learning great things in lectures, labs, and seminars. Your experience is also about the activities you are involved in outside of the classroom: the causes you champion to make change on campus, the clubs you organize, the awards you receive for being a student leader, the workshops you participate in, the volunteering you do, and all of the learning that occurs outside of the classroom.

The Record of Student Development (RSD) is Nipissing University’s way of recognizing that learning happens everywhere on campus. It is a formal record otherwise known as a co-curricular transcript, where students can include workshops, volunteer experiences, awards, and activities they have participated in throughout their time at Nipissing.

To get started building your Record of Student Development transcript, login to the RSD Student Portal via the link below: