Work Completion Timelines

Type of Work Expected Turnaround Time
Type of WorkCorrespondence (e.g. letters, memos) Expected Turnaround TimeHalf-day
Type of WorkTyping (e.g. course outlines, tests, OCR, notepads) Expected Turnaround TimeMinimum of 3 days
Type of WorkMultiple Choice Scanning Expected Turnaround TimeMinimum of 3 days
Type of WorkGraphic Design (e.g. brochures, posters) Expected Turnaround TimeAssessed on an individual basis
Type of WorkProjects/Reports Expected Turnaround TimeAssessed on an individual basis
Type of Work

Web Updates

Expected Turnaround Time

Minimum of 3 days

Type of Work

Mobile Device Travel Packages

Expected Turnaround Time

Minimum of 3 days

Type of Work

Telephone Updates

Expected Turnaround Time

Assessed on an individual basis

Type of Work

Online Event Registration

Expected Turnaround Time

Assessed on an individual basis

*all times listed are dependent upon prior work commitments

Supported Software

  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Sharepoint
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop)
  • Remark
  • Duxbury

Please note that FASS does not support the use of Canva. Canva regularly produces subpar quality graphics that often do not print correctly. The use of Canva often results in FASS staff having to recreate the document from scratch in order to make any changes to it.

After Hours Drop-Off

FASS is open Monday – Friday, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm during the regular school year, and from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm during the summer. If you need to drop off work to FASS outside of regular business hours, please place your items in an envelope and use the drop slot beside the front door of A107.

Document Storage

FASS will maintain the files that we create for you in our filing system. If you require updates to a document that was previously produced in FASS, please do not make changes to the PDF, convert the PDF to a Word document, or recreate the file. By requesting the changes be made by FASS, you’re ensuring the highest quality of finished product, that Nipissing University brand standards are being adhered to, and that the copy on file will be up-to-date if staff changeover ever occurs.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures can be created using a scanning station. Simply sign a piece of paper and scan it to email. Send the scanned file to FASS and they can change it into an image file for you to use on electronic documents.

Related Links

Print Plus

Fast, friendly & affordable service for all your copying & binding needs

University Technology Services

For all your technology needs

Harris Learning Library

E-Resources, journals, Refshare, etc.