What is my mailing address?
Your mailing address will depend on what residence you are living in for the school year. The following are all the addresses for the different residences:
Chancellors House | Founders House |
Chancellors HouseYour Name Chancellors House 100 College Dr, Your Suite # North Bay, ON P1B 8L7> |
Founders HouseYour Name Founders House 100 College Drive, Your Suite # North Bay, ON P1B 8L7 |
Governors House | Townhouse Complex |
Governors HouseYour Name Governors House, Your Suite #, Your Box # 100 College Drive North Bay, ON P1B 8L7 |
Townhouse ComplexYour Name Townhouse Residence Complex 100 College Drive, Your House # North Bay, ON P1B 8L7 |
How will Nipissing contact me?
Nipissing has two main methods of contacting students; the first is your student email. For information on accessing your student email please contact our University Technology Department at uts@nipissingu.ca or 705-474-3450 ext 4342. The second way is by direct mailing using your official address; this address has to be updated in Webadvisor. For information on changing this address see Nipissing University's web advisor here.
When can I apply?
You can apply to Residence as soon as you receive your acceptance to Nipissing University; the application is due June 2nd 2025. More information will be included in your acceptance package.
Am I guaranteed a bed?
You are guaranteed a bed in Residence if you meet the following criteria:
- you are applying directly from high school, have received an offer of admission from the Registrar's Office by May 23, 2025, submitted your Residence application and $400 Residence deposit by June 3, 2025,
- you are attending Nipissing University as an International Exchange student for one semester or a full year,
- you are entering your first year as an International Undergraduate degree seeking student.
All other students will be placed in the remaining rooms by means of a lottery.
What if I'm not guaranteed a bed?
If you are not guaranteed a bed there is still a chance that you will get in one of the remaining rooms. A wait list is created for those students who aren't immediately placed in a room.
I'm enrolled in a Graduate Program, can I apply to Residence?
Yes! We now offer accommodations to students enrolled in a Graduate level program. All accommodations are single occupancy only, we do not offer family housing. Students should apply through our erezlife application site. https://nipissing.erezlife.com/
Can I have a single room?
All of our rooms are single occupancy only, each room is furnished with one twin bed. Students however have to share common areas like bathrooms, kitchen, and living room with their house/suite mates.
Can I move-in a few days earlier?
Rooms are not available until the official move-in date. For more information on the move-in dates please see our move-in web page here.
How do I get something fixed in my room?
Each residence has a professional maintenance staff on site. Maintenance Request Forms are available online here.
Do I need to rank all of the residences in my application form?
It is important to rank all the residences on the application form, we strive to place every student in their first choice, however sometimes it is impossible to accommodate everyone's first choice and by providing other preferences we can work towards getting you into your second or third choice.
When will I find out if I have been accepted into Residence
All non-guaranteed students who have secured a placement will receive an e-mail in late July/early August informing them of their building and room placements.
If a wait list is organized, those who have been placed on a wait list will be notified in late March/June that they have been placed on a wait list.
Can a student have cable TV/Satellite in residence?
At this time Residence fees include basic cable service in all common living rooms and bedrooms.
What is included in the residence fees?
Included in your Residence fees are:
- Single Room (single occupancy only)
- Furnishings (Bed, Desk, Chair, Dresser, Closet, Hutch, Waste Basket)
- Access to Laundry room
- Wireless and wired internet
How can I access your off-campus housing listings?
The Off-Campus housing listings can be found here.
Can I come and visit the residences?
Information regarding booking tours can be arranged through our Student Recruitment Office at (705) 474-3450 Ex. 4200, or visit their web site
Are there gym facilities available on campus?
There are facilities located at the main campus, for information on gym facilities see the Athletic department website here.
What is nureznet? What are the limits? How fast is it? Can I download music or movies?
nureznet is the computer network system utilized by Residence to provide Internet to students living on campus. All information can be obtained from University Technology Services located in A-139 or by calling (705) 474-3450 Ex. 4342. The acceptable use policy includes a section on downloading which can be viewed at this site.
How do I pay $400 deposit?
The $400 can be paid at the Nipissing University Finance Office by Cash, Cheque, Debit, Money Order, Bank Draft, or Online Banking. To make an online payment for your residence deposit, you will need to log into your online banking institution, click on bill payments and add Nipissing University as a payee. Next enter your seven digit student ID number as the account number (do not enter the letter). Once you make the payment it will take approximately 48 hours to post to your student account. For more information please see the Finance Office's web page here.
RETURNING STUDENTS ONLY: To be considered for one of our limited enrollment early placements, current/returning students must complete their 2025 Residence application and pay their full $400 deposit. If you qualify for one of the limited enrollment placements, the Residence Life department will reach out to you via your student email account prior to the end of the semester to inform you that you have secured a placement for the 25/26 school year. Please note - the earlier you apply and pay your deposit the better chance you give yourself of securing a placement.
Please Note: The Nipissing University Finance department Policy states that, "Payments from students with outstanding balances from current or previous terms that may be intended as future residence or tuition deposits will first be applied against the existing outstanding balance, and not treated as a deposit payment."
Can I pay by credit card?
No, Nipissing University doesn't accept Credit Card as payment of fees. You can pay by Cash, Cheque, Debit, Money Order, Bank Draft, and Online Banking. For more information please see the Finance Office's web page here.
I live overseas. Can I wire money to Nipissing University?
The preferred method of payment for International students is through PayMyTuition. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments from any bank, in any country, in any currency at better than bank exchange rates. For more information please see the Finance Office's web site here.
How much will it cost me to live in residence?
The cost can vary from Residence to Residence. A full breakdown of residence costs are available at our Residence Housing Rates page.
Do I get my deposit back if I withdraw?
If a student withdraws their Residence application, they may be eligible to receive a refund. There is a $30 nonrefundable application fee.
For further clarification please reach out to the Finance Office directly at finance@nipissingu.ca.
Do I have to pay the full amount if I get a single room late in the semester?
No, residence fees are prorated to the move-in date, and will be conveyed to you before your move-in date.
How do you choose my roommate if I don't list a friend's name?
Nipissing Residence looks over your personality questionnaire and matches you according to the responses given. This is why it is important to fill out the form honestly yourself so we have the best possible information for matching you with roommates that you will be compatible with.
When can I move-into residence?
Student will receive move-in instruction to their student email. Move-ins will be scheduled in advance based on specified dates and times. Information regarding move-in will be emailed to students in early August.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at residence@nipissingu.ca.
What should I bring with me?
For information on what to bring please see the 'What to Bring/Not to Bring' web page here.
Can I bring a refrigerator
Yes you may bring a refrigerator or a freezer with you when you move-in. There are some guidelines that must be followed in regards to personal refrigerators. They may not exceed five cubic feet in size and must be CSA approved.
What about parking for residence students?
There is parking available for all residences, the permits for parking at both the residences and the main campus are available from Security Services located at B203. For more information call (705) 474-3450 Ex. 5555. There is also plug-in parking available from the residence office at an additional charge; however these are not available until the October.
What about public transportation on campus?
Public transportation runs to the Education Centre from 7:00am - 11:30pm Monday - Saturday, and 9:30am - 5:30pm Sundays. For more information about bus routes and schedules please see the North Bay City Transit website here.
When will my Roommates and I know our room assignment?
Actual room assignments and house/suite mates names will be emailed to you in early August.
What kind of support system is there for me in residence?
There are many people in the residence community that are there to help if you are having problems. There is a Residence Don on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you need anything. Please see the front desk of your residence for their on call phone number information.
Can I find out my roommates' names before I move-in?
It is possible to find out your roommate's name before moving in. However you have to have indicated that it is OK to release your information to your roommates, they had to have indicated to release their information as well.
What about safety?
The Nipissing Safe App is a mobile application designed for the students at Nipissing University. The app allows students to engage in the safe walk program, access emergency contacts, receive emergency alerts and access important support services. Students are encouraged to download the app to their smart device and review the services and information available through this platform, for reference in the event of an emergency.
How do you determine who is assigned to which rooms?
The questionnaire included with the residence application on personal preferences is used to determine room assignments. It is imperative that you fill out the questionnaire honestly and completely to ensure the best roommate placement.
Do I have to get a meal plan?
No, a meal plan is not required while living in residence. Each suite and townhouse comes equipped with a full kitchen where students can cook their meals and a free Grocery Bus circulates from the residence buildings to the nearest grocery store once per week.
What's a Don?
Residence Dons are upper year students who are responsible for overseeing the activities of the floor or section they are assigned to. They help maintain an environment conducive to study, sleep and well being. They also inform residents of and enforce the Residence Community Living Standards, and provide residents with advice and resources regarding all aspects of university life. The Residence Dons are your first contact in the event that you experience any difficulties or have any questions during your year in residence. Your Don will be introduced to you the first day of Residence Orientation.
Where do I do my laundry?
There are coin operated laundry facilities located in each suite-style building, as well as card operated facilities in the Townhouse residence complex.
Where can I store my bike?
There is storage space in each residence house/suite which can be used to store a bike. It is imperative to consult your roommates about using storage space in the units.
Can I have friends stay over?
Residents are allowed to host a maximum of two guests at a time, for a maximum of 2 consecutive overnight stays for a total of 6 nights per month provided they have provided notice to and received consent from their roommates prior to the arrival of their guest(s). This also pertains to overnight guests from the same complex.
Please refer to our Residence Handbook for further details and guest guidelines.
Do I have to walk alone at night on campus?
The Campus Safety Walk Program on the main campus is available during the academic year, Monday through Friday between 6:00 and 11:00pm. Alternatively, Security Services can be contacted after hours or during the summer months by calling 705-474-7600 ext. 5555 or 705-498-7244. Security Services has information cards which include emergency telephone numbers and Safety Whistles.
** Security asks that the lighted sidewalk on College Drive be used between the main campus and the lower residences.