Experiential Learning Program for Arts and Science


North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce

The Experiential Learning for Arts & Science Program (ELAS) is an exclusive project between Student Development & Services, the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce (NBDCC) and the Faculty of Arts & Science. This project focuses on providing students with hands-on learning experiences directly related to their academic interests.

With a strong emphasis on learning competencies, the ELAS immerses students with enriched learning opportunities that focus on the development of professional skills resulting in confident, successful and highly employable graduates ready for the workforce.

Local organizations businesses have faced massive disruptions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and their capacity to host student placements vary widely. These challenges in addition to online delivery of Fall courses mean that we need to rethink the work placement experience design and consider alternatives to traditional in-person placements. Some other options may include:

  • Remote research
  • Creation of marketing content and website design
  • Digitation of resources and print materials
  • Virtual program development
  • Remote support for isolated individuals
  • Case studies

The following documents provide a guide for virtual work placements:

Virtual Placement Guide for Students
Virtual Placement Guide for NBDCC members