Spanish Language Proficiency Test

Female Language Proficiency Test

All course candidates for International Languages (Spanish), Part I must successfully complete an ONLINE oral and written Spanish language proficiency test as an entrance requirement. The test assures that candidates possess a minimum competency in oral and written Spanish.

There will be no exemptions to the test.

The on-line Spanish Language proficiency test is presented as a “course” on the Blackboard CE learning management system and is made available to test takers on specific weeks during the testing period.

Each section of the test is timed separately.

ONLINE Spanish Proficiency Test (Blackboard)

Online registration begins February 19, 2025

Candidates must be successful in the online test for entrance in International Languages (Spanish), Part I AQ course that is offered online. We will not hold any on-site test dates. Students cannot be retested in same testing period as their first attempt. We encourage candidates to attempt the test before the last testing period in the event a retest is required.

Candidates must register for the test no later than 5 days prior to attempting the test. No Exceptions.

Testing Dates for our Spring/Summer 2025 Online Session:

  • February 24 - March 7, 2025 (EDUC-0011 SS800)
  • March 17 - March 28, 2025 (EDUC-0011 SS801)
  • March 31 - May 9, 2025 (EDUC-0011 SS802)

Please note that online registration will be accepted between the dates of February 19 - May 4, 2025.

  • LISTENING: candidates will listen to two audio clips and answer multiple choice questions to demonstrate comprehension
  • READING: candidates will read short passages and answer multiple choice questions
  • WRITING: candidates will write text based on one or more themes provided
  • SPEAKING: upon completion of the first three sections of the online test, candidates click to the test's final section where they will see three topics; candidates will choose one topic and will have a maximum of 15 minutes to prepare a 4-5 minute oral presentation which speaks to the chosen theme, ensuring that only limited notes and no scripts are used. The test facilitator will then telephone the candidate, listen to the presentation, and will follow up with related questions in order to engage in a spontaneous interaction. 

The passing mark is 70% on all components. Each year, test dates will be published indicating the dates and times of the test. Candidates who fail the test are allowed to take a retest once in a calendar year. If candidates pass the test but do not enroll in courses immediately, their test results will be valid for one calendar year.