Ontario Student Assistance Program
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Overview-How does Full Time OSAP work?
Full-Time OSAP
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) provides loans and grants to help you come to university. For Full-Time OSAP, you need to take a 60% course load, or 9 credits per term (40%, or 6 credits, if you have a disability). If you are taking less than that, you can apply for Par time OSAP instead. Follow our step-by-step guide for full-time OSAP below:
1. Apply for OSAP
We recommend submitting your application by August 1 to ensure your OSAP is processed and ready to go for September. You can still apply after this date; however, your funding may be delayed.
2. Upload your required documents directly to your OSAP account
At the end of your application, scan and upload any required documents to your OSAP account. Ensure you select the upload link that’s relevant to each document – do not upload all documents using one link!
3. Receive your assessment
Within a few days after you apply, but no earlier than mid-June, you will receive an email from OSAP to confirm your funding assessment is available. Don’t want the loan portion? Log in and select the “no loan option” to receive grant-only funding. Not getting enough OSAP funding? You might be eligible for a review – contact our office (finaid@nipissingu.ca) to discuss these options.
You can also visit the After You Apply for OSAP website for more information about what happens after you upload required documents receive your assessment.
4. Nipissing will confirm your enrolment to release your FIRST instalment (September)
Starting the last week of August, Nipissing financial aid staff will begin confirming enrolment for the Fall term. When your enrolment has been confirmed, you will see an update on your OSAP account. Keep an eye on your bank account – OSAP should deposit 5-10 business days after enrolment confirmation. If you don't see your funding within the expected time frame, follow up with the National Student Loans Centre to ensure everything is ok with your account (1-888-815-4517).
5. Check your NU fee account on WebAdvisor to ensure your tuition is paid (September)
Check your fee account on Web Advisor to confirm your OSAP payment has arrived. Make sure you check the "view costs by term" screen to ensure the balance owing for fall/vs winter term has been covered. Not enough OSAP to cover your fees? Remember to pay any “balance owing” by the fee deadline to avoid late payment charges.
6. Check your email and OSAP message centre
You may receive communications by email - and your OSAP message centre - regarding your file throughout the year. Mid-year, OSAP may also request additional income information to confirm your grant eligibility.
7. Nipissing will confirm your enrolment to release your SECOND instalment (January)
Mid-December, Nipissing will begin confirming enrolment for the Winter term. When your enrolment has been confirmed, you will see an update on your OSAP account. You can expect to receive your OSAP in the first week of January.
A note for graduate students in a full year program: OSAP will be paid out in two instalments (usually September and January) but your fees are due in three instalments (September, January and May) - be sure to budget accordingly.
8. Check your Nipissing fee account on WebAdvisor to ensure your tuition is paid (January)
Check your fee account on Web Advisor to ensure your funds arrive. Not enough OSAP to cover your fees? Remember to pay any “balance owing” (shown on the “view costs by term” screen of your statement of account) by the fee deadline to avoid late payment charges
9. Pass your courses
We check your academic progress at the end of every school year. As an OSAP recipient, you are expected to pass 60% of a full course load, or 3 courses per term (40% or 2 courses, if you are a student with a permanent disability).
Don’t worry – we’re not checking your academic average; progress is assessed on a pass/fail basis. If you don’t pass 3 courses per term, you may be placed on OSAP academic probation.
10. Receive OSAP again or apply for interest-free status or enter repayment
If you’re returning to full-time studies - within six months of the end of your study period - you have two options to stay out of repayment and maintain interest-free status:
- Apply for OSAP again. When we confirm your enrolment, the loan center is notified that you are still in full-time studies.
- Apply for interest-free status. If you don’t apply for OSAP again, you can log onto your OSAP account and submit a Continuation of Interest-Free Status application to keep your loans interest-free and defer repayment.
Not returning to full-time studies? Learn more about repaying your loans on the OSAP website.
Why am I on Academic Probation for OSAP?
If you received a notification from OSAP that you are on Academic Probation or failed academic progress, please note this is not related to your Nipissing academic standing.
As an OSAP student, you are expected to successfully complete 60% of a full course load, or 9 credits per term (40%, or 6 credits if you are a student with a permanent disability). We don’t look at your actual average – you’re assessed on a pass/fail basis. You could be getting As, but if you only successfully complete fewer than 9 credits, you will be placed on probation.
The first instance of academic probation is just a warning. You must complete the Acknowledgement of Academic Progress form available in the OSAP portal. If you had medical or extenuating circumstances, send us an email to let us know and attach supporting documentation – we may be able to remove the warning from your file.
The second instance will result in a full restriction from funding for 1 year. This may be appealed as long as the second set of circumstances is different from what lead to the first instance.
For more information, you are welcome to contact the financial aid office (finaid@nipissingu.ca).
Part-time Students
Part-time students with demonstrated financial need may qualify for loan funding and a grant of up to $2520 (total per academic year). To be eligible, you must meet the requirements for a part-time Canada Student Loan. In addition, you must have a gross (family) income below specified government guidelines. Please visit the OSAP website for more information and an online application for the program.
Student Complaints
Should a student be dissatisfied with a service from the Student Awards and Financial Aid Department or a specific staff member, the student is referred to the Manager of Student Financial Services. If a meeting with the Manager cannot resolve his/her issue(s) the student is directed to the VP Finance and Administration, whose decision is final. Students can also refer to the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Students can also contact the Ministry of Advanced Education & Skills Development (SFAB) should their complaints not be adequately addressed.