Core Ph.D. courses will be available through the summer residency on an annual basis. All elective PhD courses will not necessarily be available on a yearly basis.
Elective Courses
Once Ph.D. students have completed their first summer residency they will complete three 3-credit graduate level electives. Generally, Ph.D students will select courses from the current Graduate Studies in Education course offerings.
Note: EDUC-5157 Survey of Research Methods, EDUC-5186 Understanding Education, and EDUC-5196 Research Project & Seminar are core MEd courses and are, therefore, not available to PhD students.
Click here for Important Technical Information for Students Enrolled in On-line Courses.
Continuous Enrolment
Each term PhD students are required to be registered in one of the following:
- a 3-credit MEd or PhD course, as required by their program, OR
- EDUC-6127 PhD Comprehensive Exam, OR
- EDUC-6999 Dissertation, OR
- EDUC-0500 GR Ed. Program Continuation*
*EDUC-0500 GR Ed. Program Continuation is required if the PhD student is on a waitlist for a course and is unsuccessful in enrolling AND is not enrolled in any other course in the same term. Spring/Summer is considered one term split into two 6-week sessions; a 6-week spring session and a 6-week summer session. EDUC-0500 GR Ed. Program Continuation will be available for registration in the summer session, students, therefore, may not be enrolled in the spring session.
NOTE: the term tuition fees for PhD students are posted to their account once they register in one of the above courses.