Biosafety Frequently Asked Questions

Overview of Regulatory Authority for the Import or Domestic Movement of Possibly Biohazardous Material

​​Item for import or Domestic Movement ​PHAC Licence Required? ​CFIA Permit Required?
​​Item for import or Domestic MovementHuman Pathogen​ ​PHAC Licence Required?Yes​ ​CFIA Permit Required?​No
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​Toxin derived from Human Pathogen ​PHAC Licence Required?​Yes ​CFIA Permit Required?​No
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​Zoonotic Pathogen ​PHAC Licence Required?​Yes ​CFIA Permit Required?​No
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​Terrestrial Animal Pathogen ​PHAC Licence Required?​Yes ​CFIA Permit Required?​No
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​Toxin derived from Animal Pathogen  ​PHAC Licence Required?​Maybe ​CFIA Permit Required?​Yes
​​Item for import or Domestic MovementAquatic Animal Pathogen ​PHAC Licence Required?​Maybe ​CFIA Permit Required?​Yes
​​Item for import or Domestic MovementLiving Animal (including GMO) ​PHAC Licence Required?​No ​CFIA Permit Required?​Maybe*
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​Animal Product or Part​ ​PHAC Licence Required?​No ​CFIA Permit Required?Yes
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​​Plant Pathogen ​PHAC Licence Required?​No ​CFIA Permit Required?Yes
​​Item for import or Domestic MovementPlant or Plant Part (including GMO) ​PHAC Licence Required?​No ​CFIA Permit Required?Maybe*
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​Soil Pathogen ​PHAC Licence Required?No​ ​CFIA Permit Required?Yes​
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​Soil ​PHAC Licence Required?​No ​CFIA Permit Required?Yes​
​​Item for import or Domestic Movement​*Environment and Climate Change Canada approval may also be required​​

Frequently Asked Questions

Biosafety regulations are often confusing due to the many overlapping agencies involved in the regulation of biohazardous materials. The main two agencies involved in biohazardous materials regulations are the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). To help alleviate some of the confusion around biosafety regulations, this Biosafety FAQ page has been developed.​