The Common Degree Structure

Making your interests fit your degree

Nipissing’s Common Degree Structure allows you to partner a variety of subjects to suit your personal interests and goals. It gives you the opportunity to build a degree that is completely unique to you.

To build your degree, you need to:

  1. Know your program options
  2. Know your degree options
  3. Select how you want to put them all together

Professional Programs

Professional Programs in Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Fine Arts (BFA only), Physical Health and Education, Nursing and Social Work are found in their respective areas of the Calendar and currently are not in the degree framework outlined below.

Your Program Options

Minor A collection of 18 credits*
Major A collection of 36 credits*
Or 39 credits for an Honours Double Major*
Specialization A collection of 54 credits*
Honours Specialization A collection of 60 credits*

*These credits must align with the requirements stated in the Academic Calendar