Visiting Student Forms

Visiting Research Students:

  • Graduate students registered at a home university may be registered as “visiting graduate research students” at host institutions
  • No fee will be charged to visiting graduate research students provided they are registered full time, are paying fees at their home institutions, and are not taking courses at the host institutions. However, incidental fees may be charged at the discretion of the host university.
  • A faculty member at the host institution must agree to supervise and take responsibility for the visiting graduate research student during his/her stay. It is recognized that it is the responsibility of the visiting student to find a supervisor at the host institution.
  • Visiting graduate research students are expected to have access to basic research services (e.g. library, e-mail access, computing) and to basic student services (e.g. recreation facilities, provided that the incidental fees, if applicable, are paid) at the host institution. They are not expected to have access to health and other benefits plans, transit passes, etc. paid from tuition and other student fees at the host institution, although individual institutions may wish to arrange for this.
  • There will be written agreements between the visiting graduate research students, home supervisors and host supervisors concerning issues such as intellectual property, stipend and benefits, travel costs, access to research equipment and supplies, research ethics, space etc.
  • It is recognized that acceptance of any visiting graduate research student is at the discretion of the host institution.

Those interested in becoming a Visiting Research Student must apply using the Visiting Research Student Request Form and have it signed by the Host Supervisor and the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. 


Ontario Visiting Graduate Students:

The Ontario Visiting Graduate Student (OVGS) allows an Ontario graduate student in good standing to take graduate courses at another Ontario university (Host University) without completing further admission processes. No tuition fees will be assessed by the host institution (incidental fees may apply).
The course(s) selected must be at the graduate level and required for the student's degree program. Courses may not be 'extra’ (over and above degree requirements) or 'audit' courses for the student. If the student enrolls in a course at another university that is not required for his/her degree requirements, the student will be billed the fee of the course through their Home University. The student is subject to any regulations of his/her Home University with respect to the maximum number of courses which may be taken at another Ontario university.

Upon successful completion of the course(s), it is the student’s responsibility to arrange that a transcript be sent directly to the School of Graduate Studies.

Please review the Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Policy and Procedure document. If you wish to apply for an OVGS course, please complete and submit the OVGS Application Form


Other Forms:

Canadian University Graduate Transfer
Letter of Agreement
OVGS Withdrawal Form


*Once form has been approved and processed by the School of Graduate Studies, all parties will be informed.

Please only submit completed forms to​