Since acquiring the Monastery, Nipissing University has implemented numerous initiatives in an effort to help ensure the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors. The following list itemizes some of these initiatives:
- Security cameras cover the side exit doors and stairwells. Additionally, a security camera covers the main entrance area. These cameras are monitored by Security Services.
- Emergency telephones are located at the Monastery driveway entrance, building front entrance and in the parking lot.
- Additional lighting and safety mirrors have been installed.
- The building is automatically pre-programmed to open at 7:30 a.m. and lock-up at 9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday during the academic year.
- Security Services conducts physical inspections of the building.
- Telephones can be pre-programmed to call emergency telephone numbers.
(e.g. Security Services, 911, Campus Safety Walk Program*, etc.) - Security Services has information cards which include emergency telephone numbers. These cards can then be placed in a visible location.
- The Campus Safety Walk Program* is available during the academic year. Alternatively, Security Services can be contacted after hours or during the summer months by calling 705-474-7600 ext. 5555 or 705-498-7244.
- Safety whistles can be obtained from the Human Resources or Security Services office.
- The Human Resources office has a limited number of personal help alarms, which can be borrowed under certain circumstances.
- A courtesy telephone is stationed at the Monastery main entrance. It is pre-programmed with several telephone numbers including Security Services and the Campus Safety Walk Program*. Additionally, the telephone numbers of several taxi companies, which can be contacted using this telephone, are also posted.
Emergency Telephones
Along the Monastery Trail there are four (4) Emergency Phones and two (2) weather proof boxes containing maps and emergency information. On the Monastery Hall property there are four (4) Emergency Phones located at the front driveway, front door and two (2) in the Parking Lot Area.
Map of Monastery Trail locations
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact:
Security Services
Tel: 705-474-7600 ext. 5505
Cell Phone: 705-498-7244
*Campus Safety Walk Program: 705-494-9192
The Campus Safety Walk Program operates from September to mid-April.
It is available Monday to Friday, from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and can be reached by calling 705-494-9192.