Which Facilities forms are used for what services?
Maintenance Housekeeping Request: Faculty and staff can fill in this form if there’s something you would like our caretaking staff to assist with in your office, classrooms, washrooms or a common space. (e.g. heating issues, spills, leaks, moving office furniture, small repairs etc.)
- If the issue is time sensitive, please call our office after submitting your maintenance request form to follow up and bring it to our attention.
Part-Time Faculty Office Request: Part-time faculty members who would like access to and use of the H350 shared office pods can request a key to this space through this form.
Room/Space Booking: Faculty and staff who need private use of a meeting room, classroom, the NU Hallway, the Teaching Hub or any spaces within NUSU, the Monastery, Library or Athletics building, will submit their request and details of your intentions with the space via this form.
- Please Note that room bookings must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the requested date in order for us to accommodate the request.
Event Set-Up Request: Faculty and staff are required to submit this form if you have already made a Room/Space Booking request and require additional setup such as tables and chairs for your meeting or event. For instance, if booking the NU Hallway for a departmental promotion and needing a specific setup of tables and chairs, please use this form to make your request.
Key Request: Faculty and staff supervisors use this form to request keys for new faculty and staff within their department for specific rooms and offices relevant to their roles.
- Please Note that key requests must be submitted at least one week prior to requiring new keys in order for us to accommodate the request.
Can I use a classroom or meeting room without booking?
No, even if a room appears unoccupied, we still ask all requests to be submitted via the Room/Space Booking form in advance. We want to avoid people “checking” if rooms are available, as you never know when you might be interrupting a meeting of a confidential nature.
I’m a student. Can I book a meeting room to study?
No, students cannot book a meeting space unless they are also a staff member. There is drop-in study space available at the Harris Learning Library and NUSU Student Centre, in addition to several places on campus (the Owl’s Nest, the Teaching Hub, the Cafeteria, or various outdoor spaces in the warmer months) where students are welcome to study.
I represent or am involved with a NUSU Club/Society. Can I make a room/space booking request?
All requests from NUSU Clubs and Societies must be submitted to the NUSU Office Administrator. The NUSU Office Administrator coordinates with Facilities on behalf of the student group. Please direct all questions to the NUSU Office Administrator to clarify the proper procedure.
Are there any limitations on how I’m able to use a booked room/space?
We encourage everyone to ask for rooms appropriate to the needs of the meeting, class or event being held. All booked spaces, including classrooms, must be reset to their original condition upon leaving the space, unless Facilities has granted an exception in advance.
What are the capacities of each meeting room?
Number | Room | Capacity |
NumberRSAC-203 | RoomAthletic Boardroom | Capacity30 |
NumberA202 | RoomMeeting Room | Capacity8 |
NumberA246 | RoomSmall Cafeteria | Capacity100 |
NumberA258 | RoomMeeting Room | Capacity10 |
NumberB217 | RoomMeeting Room | Capacity12 |
NumberF214 | RoomMeeting Room | Capacity16 |
NumberR226 | RoomMeeting Room | Capacity12 |
NumberR305 | RoomMeeting Room | Capacity4 |
How do I request set-up for a large-scale event?
As large-scale events require considerable time and preparation, we require potential hosts to please reach out to our office to schedule a meeting to discuss the event with ample notice. We may ask you to provide floor plans and timelines for us to review, so we can work together to create a streamlined plan for the event.
Am I able to request additional resources, such as a podium, table cloth, backdrop, etc?
Yes, this is done by reaching out to the following departments:
- Submit a Help Desk Ticket to UTS for use of lecterns, microphones, screens, etc.
- Submit a request to Marketing for use of tablecloths, backdrops, parking signage, podium, etc.
Once you receive permission to use your desired resource, then submit your Event set-up request form to Facilities to pick up, deliver and return it to its’ respective department. It is paramount that you include that you have received permission from the respective department to use their resources, in your event set-up request form details.
Does Facilities cover Event Set-ups for NUSU?
Yes, sometimes we work with NUSU collaboratively in setting up events. This is typically discussed based on the Room/Space booking initially submitted regarding the event.
How do I submit a Smudge Request?
If you are planning to conduct a smudge in your classroom or at an event you are hosting, please contact the Secretary to the Director, of Indigenous Initiative, to request to have a smudge on campus. A minimum of 4 days' notice is required.