Dr. Ping Zou

Areas of Specialization:
Lifestyle modification for hypertension control
Randomized controlled trial and pilot study
Immigrant and minority health
Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine for chronic illness management
Chronic illness management in community
Culturally sensitive nursing intervention
Research Interests:
Dietary intervention to prevent and treat hypertensionLifestyle modification and chronic illness controlIncorporation of Traditional Chinese Medicine for chronic illness managementApplication of technology to facilitate chronic illness self-management in communityInternational comparison study on chronic illness managementNursing history
Current & Future Research:
Design, Usability Testing, and Feasibility Testing of a Smartphone App (mDASHNa-CC) to Support Healthy Diet and Hypertension Control for Chinese Canadian Seniors (Nipissing University Start-Up Research Grant)
Formative Evaluation of an Undergraduate Student-led Clinical change project in an Innovative Nursing Education Program (Nipissing University Internal Research Grant)
Examination on Older Immigrants’ Health Status and Contributions to Canadian Society (SSHRC Pathways to Prosperity Partnership Grant)
Selected Funding:
Zou, P. (principle investigator), & Fang, T. Examination on Older Immigrants’ Contributions to Canadian Society: A Pilot Mixed Method Study. STTI Lambda Pi-At-Large Research Seed Grant, 2016.
Zou, P. (principle investigator). Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine among Elder Chinese in North America: A Literature Review. Canada Summer Jobs Program, Service Canada, 2016.
Zou, P. (principle investigator), Parry, M., Dennis, C., & Lee, R. A Culturally Sensitive Anti-hypertensive Dietary Education Intervention for Chinese Canadians in the Community: The DASHNa-CC Study. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute Community Support Travel Award, the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, 2016.
Zou, P. (principle investigator), & Fang, T. Examination on Older Immigrants’ Contributions to Canadian Society: A Pilot Mixed Method Study. Pathways to Prosperity Partnership 2016 national call for proposal, SSHRC Partnership Grant 895-2011-1028, 2016-2017.
Zou, P. (principle investigator), Vanderlee, R., McCullough, K., & McParland, T. Formative Evaluation of an Undergraduate Student-led Clinical change project in an Innovative Nursing Education Program. Nipissing University Internal Research Grant, 2016-2018
Zou, P. (principle investigator), & Stinson, J. Design, Usability Testing, and Feasibility Testing of a Smartphone App (mDASHNa-CC) to Support Healthy Diet and Hypertension Control for Chinese Canadian Seniors. Nipissing University Start-Up Research Grant, 2016-2018.
Zou, P. (principle investigator), Parry, M., Dennis, C., & Lee, R. Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Community Health Nurses’ Initiatives Group (CHNIG) Research Award, Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario (RNFOO), 2015.
Zou, P.(principle investigator), Parry, M., Dennis, C., & Lee, R. Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. The Bertha Rosenstadt Doctoral Research Dissertation Grant, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, 2014.
Zou, P. (principle investigator), Parry, M., Dennis, C., & Lee, R. Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Research Award, the Registered Nurses' Foundation of Ontario (RNFOO), 2013.
Zou, P. (principle investigator), Parry, M., Dennis, C., & Lee, R. Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses (CCCN) Research Grant, 2013.
Zou, P. (principle investigator), Parry, M., Dennis, C., & Lee, R. Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Research Award, Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario (RNFOO), 2012.
Publications in English (Selected)
Zou, P. (2017). Recruitment Process of a Chinese Immigrant Study in Canada. Applied Nursing Research. Epub 2017 July 5. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2017.06.005. PMID: 28720245.
Zou, P., Dennis, C. L., Lee, R., & Parry, M. (2017). Hypertension Prevalence, Health Service Utilization, and Patient Satisfaction. Inquiry: the Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing.(in press).DOI: 10.1177/0046958017724942.
Duan, Y., & Zou, P. (correspondence author) (2017). A Fall Prevention Quality Improvement Project in a Long Term Care Facility: Critical Analysis.Journal of Nursing & Healthcare, 2(2), 1-5.http://www.opastonline.com/early-view-jnh/
Zou, P. (2017). Why I want to be a Nurse? Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC),Caring and Connecting: Touching the Lives of Canadians through Community Health Nursing. Bloomingdale, Ontario: Simpson Print. ISBN 978-0-9733774-8-4
Zou, P.(2017). Diet and Blood Pressure Control in Chinese Canadians: Cultural Considerations. Journal of Immigrant and Minority health, 19(2), 477-483. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-016-0493-0. PMID: 27640010. Epub ahead of print on September 2016.
Zou, P., Dennis, C. L., Lee, R., & Parry, M. (2016). Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. First online December 9, 2016. DOI 10.1007/s12603-016-0861-4.
Zou, P.(2016). Traditional Chinese Medicine, Food Therapy, and Hypertension Control: A Narrative Review of Chinese Literature. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 44(8), 1579-1594. DOI: 10.1142/S0192415X16500889. PMID: 27852126.
Zou, P. (2016). Relational Practice in Nursing: A Case Analysis. Nursing and Health Care, 1(1), 1-5.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2015). The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot RCT (abstract). Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 31(10), s316-317.
Zou, P. (2015). Experiences of Immigrant Women with Postpartum Depression: An Interpretive Review. Journal of Nursing and Care, 5(1), 325-328.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2013). Examination of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DASH-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in a Community Setting (abstract). Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 29(10s), 411.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., Lee, R. (2013). Examination of a Culturally Sensitive Dietary Intervention to Treat Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in a Community Setting (abstract in Chinese). Xiangya International Nursing Conference Abstract Collection, 308-309.
Zou, P., & Parry, M. (2012). Strategies for health education in North American immigrant populations. International Nursing Review, 59(4), 482-488. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-7657.2012.01021.x.
Doran, D., Hayes, L., Nahm, S., Zou, P., Rizk, P., Bai, C., Laporte, D. (2012). Home Care Nursing Health Human Resources: Building and Sustaining a Quality Nursing Workforce in Home and Community Care. Interim Progress Report to Minister of Health and Long Term Care.
Doran, D., Laporte, D., Chilcote, A., Rizk, P., Zou, P. (2011). Maintaining Ontario’s Nursing Workforce: Evaluating the Impact of Ontario’s Late Career Nurse Initiative. Interim Progress Report to Minister of Health and Long Term Care.
Zou, P. (2010). E-Learning: A solution for problematic classroom computer training. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 5(3), 43-49.
Publications in Chinese (Selected)
Lin, J. S. & Zou, P. (2005). A Concise Dictionary of Official Titles in Ancient China (English-Chinese & Chinese-English). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Bookstore Press. ISBN7-80678-325-3
Zou, P. (2003). General land lease system in Fujian area: An analysis of local leasing document. Fujian Academic Review (CN34-32), 3, 93-99.
Lin, J. S. & Zou, P. (2000). Ricci Matteo -- A Western Confucian Scholar. Beijing, China: Chinese International Culture Publishing Co. ISBN7-80105-802-X
Zou, P. (2000). Examination on perpetual lease system in Fujian Area Qing Dynasty. Fujian Academic Review (CN34-32), 2, 77-82.
Zou, P.(1998). A Biography of Painter Wu Bin. Journal of Fujian Local Culture Study (ISSN1006-074X, CN35-1056), 1, 19.
Zou, P. (1998). Tycoon Lin Xiyuan. Journal of Fujian Local Culture Study (ISSN1006-074X, CN35-1056), 3, 42.
Zou, P. (1998). Zhu Wan and the policy of ban on maritime trade with foreign countries of the Ming Dynasty. Research Periodicals of Fujian Teachers University (ISSN1000-5285, CN-1016/C), 2, 83-88.
Zou, P. (1997). An Immortal, a Doctor and a Poet: A Characteristic worship of Lu Dongbin in Fuzhou. Journal of Taoism (ISBN957-99540-8-9), 1, 153-173.
Zou, P.(1997). Profound Scholarship Makes a Solitary — A Biography of Poet Lin Hong. Journal of Fujian Local Culture Study (ISSN1006-074X, CN35-1056), 3, 27.
Presentations (selected):
Zou, P. (2017). Effects of a Dietary Intervention on Hypertension Control in Chinese Canadian Community: Lessons Learned. TheAssociation for Canadian Studies in China (ACSC) 17th Biennial Conference and Canadian Studies (theme: Canadian Studies and Sino-Canada Strategic Co-operation under One Belt One Road). September 28 to 30, 2017, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Wang, W., Meng, G., Zhang, H., Cheung, T., Zou, P., & Jiang, J. (2017). Diabetes Prevention and Treatment. Invited oral Power Point presentation. Senior Health Symposium, Ontario Chinese Senior Association, 519 Church Community Centre, July 26, 2017 (1:00pm to 3:00pm), Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Lopez, S., Hazel, T., Sutherland, T., Grzelak, S., Mudrick, E., Oh, S., Easton, L., Nair, J. (2017). Strength-based Student-led Presentations in Clinical Reflection Seminars: An Exemplary Clinical Group. Poster presentation and abstracted published. 19th Global Nursing Education Conference, Current Challenges and Innovations in Nursing Education, April 27 to 28, 2017, Las Vegas, USA.
Zou, P. (2017). The Story of the DASHNa-CC Study. Brown Bag Lunches Scholarship Presentation by Blackboard Collaborator, 11:30am to 12:30pm, March 8, 2017, Toronto
Zou, P., Duan, J. (2017). Health Status and Social Contributions of Senior Immigrants: Your Voices. Invited oral presentation. Agincourt Library, January 5, 2017, Scarborough, Ontario.
Zou, P., Tan, D. M., Lu, J. S., Duan, Y. J., Wu, X. Y., & Wei, Q. (2016). An Introduction of Canada's Food Guide & Healthy Eating. Oral Power Point presentation, Healthy Eating Event for New Immigrants, Centre for Immigrant and Community Services, 3850 Finch Ave. East, Suite 403, November 26, 2016, Scarborough, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2016). Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine food therapy for hypertension control among Chinese Canadians: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Poster presentation. Expanding Person-Centered Care through Integrative Health Research, 2016 IN-CAM Research Symposium, International Society for Complementary Medicine Research, Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville, Toronto, November 18-19, 2016.
Zou, P.(2016). Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine food therapy for hypertension control: A narrative review of Chinese literature. Poster presentation. Expanding Person-Centered Care through Integrative Health Research, 2016 IN-CAM Research Symposium, International Society for Complementary Medicine Research, Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville, Toronto, November 18-19, 2016.
Zou, P., Jiang, J., Wang, W., Meng, G., Zhang, H., Cheung, T. (2016). Eating and Health: Canada Food Guide and Its Application in Your Life. Invited oral PowerPoint presentation. Senior Health Education Symposium, Family Inter-Generation Link (FIG Link), 9 Grenoble Dr., Toronto, November 12, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Meng, G., Zhang, H., Cheung, T. Zou, P., Jiang, J., Wang, W., (2016). Stroke Prevention: what you can do to decrease your risks? Invited oral PowerPoint presentation. Senior Health Education Symposium, Family Inter-Generation Link (FIG Link), 9 Grenoble Dr., Toronto, October 29, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P. (2016). Finding a Research Question and the Answers: The Story of the DASHNa-CC Pilot Trial. Webinar, Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses, October 26th, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Jiang, J., Wang, W., & Zou, P. (2016). Chronic Pain and Exercise. Invited oral PowerPoint presentation, Senior Health Education Symposium, Family Inter-Generation Link (FIG Link). 9 Grenoble Dr., October 7th, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Jiang, J., & Wang, W. (2016). Application of Canada Food Guide in Your Daily Life. Invited oral PowerPoint presentation. Senior Health Symposium, Ontario Chinese Senior Association, 519 Church Community Centre, June 22, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Wang. W., Zou, P., & Jiang J. (2016). Diabetes and Bariatric Surgery. Invited oral PowerPoint Presentation. Nurse Practitioner Journal Club, University Health Network, May 02, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P. (2016). My Path to the Nursing Profession across the Globe. Invited oral PowerPoint presentation. Chinese Canadian Nursing Association 30th Year Anniversary Celebration and Women’s Health Conference, June 10, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2016). A Culturally Sensitive Anti-hypertensive Dietary Education Intervention for Chinese Canadians in the Community. Oral PowerPoint presentation. 11th National Community Health Nurses Conference, June 1, 2016, St. John, Newfoundland and Labrador. Supported by CIHR travel grant.
Zou, P.(2016). Facilitators and barriers to making change in clinical practice: Nursing Student’ perspectives. 2016 Canadian Nursing Education Conference: Expanding Horizons in Nursing Education. Canadian Association of School of Nursing, May 30 to 31, 2016, Toronto. Abstract accepted as poster presentation but declined due to conflict schedule with another conference.
Zou, P. (2016). Postpartum Depression: Experiences of New Mothers in a New Country. Poster and oral presentation. International Health Program 18th Annual Global Health and Human Rights Conference, March 12, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P. (2016). Nursing Education and Nursing Practice in Canada. Invited oral presentation. Annual meeting of Chinese Canadian Nursing Association, January 22, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2015). Experiences from DASHNa-CC Pilot Study: Working with Chinese Canadian Community. Poster and oral presentation. Pathways to Prosperity 2015 National Conference, December 1, 2015, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2015). Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension with Sodium Reduction for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): Research Design and Findings. Oral Power Point presentation. Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses Annual Conference, October 24, 2015, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2015). Incorporation of Tradition Chinese Medicine into Hypertension Control for Chinese Canadians: Experiences of the DAHSNa-CC study. Oral Power Point presentation, Emerging Scholar Forum, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, October 27, 2015, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P.(2015). Canada's Food Guide & Healthy Eating. Oral Power Point presentation, Immigrant Salon: Healthy Eating in Canada Event for New Immigrants, Centre for Immigrant and Community Services, LINC Centre, 4002 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 507, September 19, 2015, Scarborough, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2015). Examination of a Culturally Sensitive Dietary Intervention to Treat Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DAHSNa-CC): Findings and discussions. Abstract published and oral PowerPoint presentation, 2015 Nursing Research Week, PhD senior student presentation, University of Toronto, May 5, 2015 (10:45am to 11:15am), Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2015). Examination of a Culturally Sensitive Dietary Intervention to Treat Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DAHSNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in a Community Setting. Poster presentation, Faculty Research Exhibit, Nursing Week event, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, May 4, 2015, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2015). Examination of a Culturally Sensitive Dietary Intervention to Treat Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DAHSNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in a Community Setting. PowerPoint presentation, Clinical Epidemiology/Health Services Research Rounds, June 1, 2015, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P.(2014). An Introduction to Canada Food Guide. PowerPoint oral presentation. Healthy Eating Workshop for New Chinese Immigrants, Fairview Mall Library, Centre for Immigrant and Community Services (35 Fairview Mall Dr, Room 1), November 7, 2014 (9:30am to 11:30am), North York, Ontario.
Zou, P.(2014). Blood Pressure, Hypertension and Cardiac Health. PowerPoint oral presentation. Heart and Stroke Workshop for seniors, St. Stephen Community House (340 College St., Suite 360. M5T 3A9), October 28, 2014, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P.(2014). Physical health, mental health and quality of life of Chinese Canadian seniors. Oral presentation and expert panel discussion. Senior Anti-abuse Community Symposium, Ontario Chinese Senior Association, September 21, 2014, Thornhill, Ontario.
Zou, P. (2014). Hypertension and Dietary Behaviour. PowerPoint oral presentation. Health Promotion Series Seminar for New Immigrant, Centre for Immigrant and Community Services, August 27, 2014, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
Zou, P.(2013). Clinical Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Perspective and Methodology. Oral presentation. Expert panel discussion of Traditional Chinese Medicine curriculum development, Humber College, November 17, 2013, Toronto, Canada.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2013). Examination of a Culturally Sensitive Dietary Intervention to Treat Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DASHNa-CC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in a Community Setting. Abstract published and oral Power Point presentation. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2013, 66th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, October 17-20, Montreal, Canada.
Zou, P., Parry, M., Dennis, C. L., & Lee, R. (2013). Examination of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DASH-CC): Literature Review and Research Design. Abstract published and oral Power Point presentation. 2013 Nursing Research Week, University of Toronto, May 6-7, 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Zou, P., Price, J., & Parry, M. (2013). Lifestyle Interventions to Prevent Cardiovascular diseases in Minority Groups in North America: A Literature Review. Abstract submitted and Poster presentation. The 2013 National Metropolis Conference, Building an Integrated Society, Ottawa Convention Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, March 14-16, 2013 (accepted but not able to attend).
Zou, P.(2013). Lifestyle Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Minority Groups. Poster and oral presentation. International Health Program 15th Annual Conference, Global health and human rights: A Canadian Perspective, Toronto, Ontario, March 22-23, 2013.
Zou, P.(2012). Research Question Development: Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension for Chinese Canadians (DASH-CC) as an Example. Oral PowerPoint presentation. PhD Seminar, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, November 20, 2012.
Zou, P., & Price, J. (2011). Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Management and Lifestyle Interventions in Minority Groups. Poster and oral presentation. Advanced Nursing Practice Symposium, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, April 5, 2011.
Zou, P.(2011). Immigrants and Chronic Illness: Application of Transition Theory. Oral Power Point presentation. Graduate student seminar, Persistent Illness: Theoretical, Research & Practice Implications, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, February 23, 2011, Toronto, Ontario.
Zou, P., & Chen, N. (2011). DASH Diet and Hypertension Control (in Cantonese and Mandarin). Invited oral Power Point presentation. Community Patient Education Section, invited by Newcomers, a Chinese immigrant community group, Mississauga Central Library, February 16, 2011, Mississauga, Ontario.
Zou, P., & Price, J. (2011). Chronic illness self-management and goal setting. Oral Power Point presentation. Patient education section, Cardiac Unit, Women’s College Hospital, January 28, 2011, Toronto, Ontario.