International Degree-Seeking Students
Would like to obtain your full degree and graduate from Nipissing University. Degree seeking students typically study for 3-4 years at Nipissing University.
International Exchange Students
International students who are enrolled in an educational institution abroad and apply to study on exchange at Nipissing University for one semester or one full academic year.
Nipissing Exchange Students
Current Nipissing students who wish to study at one of our international partner institutions for one semester or one full academic year.
Types of International Students
International Degree-Seeking Students - international students who would like to obtain their full degree and graduate from Nipissing University. Degree seeking students typically study for 3-4 years at Nipissing University.
International Exchange Students - international students who are enrolled in an educational institution abroad and apply to study on exchange at Nipissing University for one semester or one full academic year.
Nipissing Exchange Students - Current Nipissing students who wish to study at one of our international partner institutions for one semester or one full academic year.
Hear from Our Students

Animesh Arora
International Student from India
Program: Post-Bachelor Diploma in Marketing
Nipissing University is situated in a really beautiful setting. I am a nature person so I take walks in the forest and I enjoy [visiting Duchesnay] Falls and going to the beach.
As far as finding friends, there are a lot of groups within the university, which has helped me socialize and meet people, which has helped me in different capacities; be it emotionally, be it in a friendly way, [or] a professional way.
To my fellow international students, I would say come here with an open heart and open arms. People out here are really nice, welcoming, and really warm.