English Studies

Welcome to the English Studies Department at Nipissing

The primary way human beings communicate is through storytelling. Almost every interaction we have involves exchanging and analyzing stories, ideas, impressions and emotions. Given this fact of human culture, we see English Studies as teaching essential skills for life beyond the university.

In English, we challenge simplistic or superficial modes of thought—or non-thought—by finding out how texts of all sorts work. We learn from the past by reading classic works of literature, such as novels, plays and poetry. We also engage with contemporary culture by considering the texts that shape our current lives, such as movies, television, web-culture, graphic novels, theatre, and other media forms. With analytical reading, research and writing practice, we equip the citizens of the future with the skills of discernment, focus, resilience and adaptability that they will need to build their own careers and communities.

Delivered with an emphasis on dialogue, our courses reflect faculty research interests and the shape of our discipline by being a mix of tradition and innovation. In first year, you can choose from among a number of topics courses. In upper years, you may take courses in British literary history, such as Shakespeare or Victorian literature, as well as choosing from a broader range of subjects such as children’s literature, Canadian and American literature, the graphic novel, postcolonial and indigenous literatures, Harry Potter, fan vids or disaster films.​​​​​

Recently offered courses

First-year Topics

  • Science in Literature
  • Love and Loss
  • Monsters, Madness and Malice
  • Sport in Literature and Film
  • Photography and Literature

Honours Seminar Topics

  • The Art of Sacrifice
  • Early Modern Cross-dressing
  • Cannibalism in Literature
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • The Canadian Historical Novel
  • The Victorian Fantastic

Feeling Creative?

  • ENGL 2015 Theatre Production
  • ENGL 3126 Writing for Digital Media
  • ENGL 3127 Writing for Mass Culture
  • ENGL 3516/7 Creative Writing: Poetry and Prose
  • ACAD 3006 Mentoring the Writer
  • ENGL 4695 Honours Essay
  • ENGL 4795 Creative and Critical Writing Honours Essay