Co-op Program

Welcome to the Bachelor of Business Administration Co-op Program

The School of Business BBA Co-op Program is an integrated approach to university education which enables students to alternate academic terms on campus with work terms in suitable employment. The success of such programs is founded on the principle that students can apply theoretical knowledge from course studies in the workplace and return to the classroom with practical workplace experience.

The School of Business BBA Co-op Program is highly flexible – students can complete their work terms when opportunities arise.  Work terms will be full-time and in 4- or 8-month terms. The Co-op Program works with industry partners to find work placements, but students are ultimately responsible for securing a position.  Students are encouraged to apply for work placements relevant to their area of study.

I am deeply grateful for the co-op program as it helped me achieve success in both my academic and professional careers. After starting my first co-op term with Life Long Planning Group Ltd., I was eager to continue developing my knowledge and skills. I completed all three of my co-op terms with them, each one more rewarding than the last. Not only was I able to gain hands-on experience in the finance industry, but I was also able to build meaningful relationships. Their guidance and mentorship have played a crucial role in my professional growth, and I am truly blessed to have worked with such wonderful people. I am proud to say that I will be joining their team full-time after graduation.

I would also like to extend a huge thank you to the faculty and staff at the School of Business for their support throughout my co-op experience!

Amy Oliveira
Bachelor of Business Administration, 2025

In business, having work experience upon graduation provides a distinct competitive advantage. By applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, students gain hands-on experience in their discipline. Co-op helps students determine their strengths and interests while exploring different work environments and test-driving potential careers. Employers from across Canada hire Co-op students to work on special projects or assist during peak periods while often evaluating them for future hire.

Please reach out to the School of Business at for additional information.

Admission Requirements

The School of Business BBA Co-op Program has the following admission requirements:

  • Enrolled in the BBA Program
  • Minimum GPA average of 70%
  • Completion of prerequisites listed in the Academic Calendar

Application Process

To apply for the School of Business BBA Co-op Program, students must complete an online application found here. Please note that the application is not an automatic acceptance into the Co-op Program. Students may also need to attend an interview with the Co-op Committee. Successful applicants will be notified by email.

Application Due Date

Students can complete and submit their Co-op Application Package once they have completed all Admission Requirements listed above, including all prerequisite courses listed in the Academic Calendar.

Please reach out to the School of Business at for additional information.

What is Co-operative (Co-op) Education?

Co-operative Education is an academic program that integrates your studies with paid, career-related work experience. As a co-op student, you will be a productive member of the employer’s team of professionals. When you graduate with a co-operative education designation, you will have up to one full year of relevant work experience related to your chosen career.

How do I apply for Co-op?

To apply for the School of Business BBA Co-op Program, students must complete an online application found here. Please note that the application is not an automatic acceptance into the Co-op Program. Students may need to attend an interview with the Co-op Committee. Successful applicants will be notified by email.

When do I apply for the Co-op Program?

Students in the BBA program can apply for the Co-op Program at any time and can proceed on their first Co-op work placement after successful completion of 24 credits of BBA program requirements.

Please reach out to the School of Business at for additional information.

Are Co-op work terms paid?

Yes, all work terms that students complete through the Co-op Program are required to be paid, full-time positions that last a minimum of 12 weeks (for a 4-month work term) and provide at least 420 hours of work placement experience.

How many work terms do I have to complete?

Students can complete a maximum of three (3) work terms, each lasting about the length of a semester (minimum 12 weeks of work each). Cumulatively, students can gain up to one full year of professional work experience related to their studies through completing the Co-op Program before they graduate.

When do I complete work terms?

Students can customize the timing of their work terms to best fit within their academic studies, while following program structure requirements in place. Students’ first work term can be completed as early as the May-August term the year they join the program.

Due to requirements from the national body governing co-op programs, CEWIL, all co-op students are required to complete at least one of their work terms during either a Fall or Winter semester. In addition, students cannot finish their time at Nipissing on a work term - i.e., their final term before graduation must be an academic term. For some students this does mean that adding co-op into their program may extend their graduation.

Can I complete courses while I am on a Co-op Work Term?

When registered for a Co-op course, students may register for one additional 3-credit course. A student wishing to enroll in two courses, total of 6 credits, during their Co-op term must obtain approval from the Employer and Director, School of Business.

Do I receive credit while on a work term?

Each work term is considered an academic course and is noted on a student’s transcript with a SAT or UNS grade.

Students that receive a SAT on their co-op work term will receive 1 credit towards their degree.

Is there help in finding a job for my work term?

The School of Business will communicate co-op work term opportunities with students throughout the year. Students are also able to find their own opportunities, which they can submit to the School of Business for approval as a work term.

Do I have to accept the first job I am offered?

Yes. Once an employer has offered you a job and you have accepted the offer, either verbally or in writing, you will not be allowed to participate in any further interviews.

When do I have to apply for Co-op positions?

Normally, there are three periods when co-op work terms begin: Fall (September), Winter (January), or Summer (May). These positions will be posted as they become available, but they will usually be posted 3-4 months before the start of the work term.

Can I take time off during the Co-op Program or while doing a work term?

If a student requires a leave of absence from the School of Business BBA Co-op Program, they should notify the School of Business as soon as possible. Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

If a student needs to take time off during a work term, they must seek pre-approval from their employer. Students should always ask early, be definitive with dates, have a plan for how their responsibilities can be covered while away, and explain how they will make up for the time taken off.

Where are work terms located?

Work terms will be located in and around the North Bay and Sudbury area, other regions throughout Ontario, including northern and southern Ontario and across Canada. Please note that some roles will be virtual.

If I have questions who do I contact?

Students can connect with the School of Business at or Director, School of Business at if they have any questions about the program.

Am I guaranteed a Co-op position?

You are not guaranteed a co-op position. Co-op is competitive. However, the School of Business BBA Co-op Program will help you.

How much can I earn during a work term?

Students in the School of Business BBA Co-op Program will earn at least the minimum wage of the Province that they are working in. However, employers will ultimately determine the wage that will be offered to the student, which could be higher than minimum, depending on the field and employer.

Do I need to write a Work Term Report?

Yes, you are expected to submit a work term report. This report will be submitted through to the School of Business and will be reviewed by the Co-op Committee.

Is there an additional cost to do Co-op?

The School of Business BBA Co-op Program costs the same as the BBA program, with the exception that you take three additional Co-op courses.