Dr. Jonathan Muterera

His primary teaching interests include fraud investigations, detection, and prevention; financial accounting; managerial accounting; auditing; corporate governance; and performance management. He has taught general management courses, leadership, finance, and business law at other institutions in Canada and other countries.
Dr. Muterera is also a consultant and focuses on helping organizations with their accounting, management, and business issues. He has provided consulting services for a number of public and private company audit committees, including the audit committees of a couple of Fortune 500 companies. His primary consulting expertise is in forensic accounting where he helps corporate, governments, and not-for-profit organizations in investigations of financial statement fraud, employee embezzlement cases, etc. He has also served private attorneys as an expert and has provided training to a number of public and private companies on fraudulent financial reporting and on corporate governance.
Outside his professional career, Dr. Muterera enjoys helping and working with people as a life coach; and he is both a Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Practitioner and a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Coach Practitioner.
Dr. Muterera’s research is broad and multidisciplinary. His research in organizational behavior focuses on leader traits and skills, leader behavior and activities, leader power and influence, situational determinants of leader behavior, situational moderator variables, transformational leadership, and the importance of leadership for organizational effectiveness. Additionally, his work explores methodological issues in leadership research and implications for improving managerial practice. He has won several research awards for his leadership research. His other research interests also are in occupational fraud, executive compensation and executive stock and option incentives, corporate governance, non-profit governance, and disclosure. He has also worked with a diverse group of scholars in areas such as nursing, exploring the effects of compassion fatigue, stress, burnout, resilience, passion for work, personal energy/vitality, and wellbeing.
Selected Publications
Khorakian, A., Hemsworth, D., Jahangir, M., Maharati, Y., Bagherpour, E. S., & Muterera, J. (2020). The Effects of Religious Orientations on Malevolent Creativity: Role of Positive Emotions and Spiritual Intelligence. Creativity Research Journal, 1-10.
Hemsworth, D., Baregheh, A., Khorakian, A., Muterera, J., Plough, J. F., Garcia-Rivera, B. R., & Aoun, S. (2020). The resource-based reflective risk assessment model for understanding the quality of work life of nurses. Nursing outlook, 68(2), 194-206.
Muterera, J., Hemsworth, D., Baregheh, A., & Garcia-Rivera, B. R. (2018). The leader–follower dyad: The link between leader and follower perceptions of transformational leadership and its impact on job satisfaction and organizational performance. International Public Management Journal, 21(1), 131-162.
Hemsworth, D., Muterera, J., & Baregheh, A. (2013). Examining Bass’s transformational leadership in public sector executives: A psychometric properties review. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 29(3), 853-862.
Muterera, J., & Madzima, N. T. (2012). Press freedom and regulatory quality: How do they relate to public-sector corruption? The Business & Management Review, 3(1), 219.