Research Directory

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  • Associate Professor
    Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to BScN Blended Program, Master of Education, Sociology, MA, School of Nursing
    Areas of Specialization:

    Disability and work; nurses with disabilities, critical disabilities studies; nursing education; nursing leadership; community and mental health nursing practice.

    Research Interests:

    Experiences of workers with disabilities, nurses with disabilities, disability and diversity postsecondary education; critical perspectives on disability; simulation in health sciences; generic qualitative research methodologies

    Current & Future Research:

    Coffey, S (PI)., Anyinam, C, (Co-PI), Smith,…

  • Associate Professor
    Geography and Geology, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization:

    Health geography; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); environmental management

    Research Interests:

    Environment and health; GIS and health; population health; air pollution exposure and health; geography and health in East Africa (South Sudan). 

    Current & Future Research:

    Canadian Census Mortality and Cancer Follow-up study;

    Mobility, air pollution exposure, and health outcomes;

    Air pollution modeling;

    Socioeconomic determinants of health


  • Assistant Professor
    Schulich School of Education, Master of Education, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability)
    Areas of Specialization:

    New Literacies

    Early Literacy

    Children’s Literature

    Children’s Mental Health

    ‪‪Elementary Science Education

    Research Grants:

    Enhancing access to child and youth mental health services through an improved referral pathway from police officers (

    Community capacity-building for trauma informed and addiction approaches for youth in Northern Ontario (…

  • Associate Professor, (Leave)
    Sociology, MA
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Sociology of aging, work and health

    Research Interests:

    ​Aging workforce, ageism, workplace transitions, retirement and pensions, age and gender discrimination, gender and work history, work-family balance in academia

    Current & Future Research:

    Ageism at Work: Negotiating Age, Gender, and Identity in the Discriminating Workplace (book contract with University of Toronto Press).

    The Parent Track: Timing, Balance, and Choice within Academia (edited book manuscript submitted with C. DeRoche…

  • Professor
    Physical and Health Education, Kinesiology, MSc, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability)
    Areas of Specialization:

    Community-based physical activity health promotion

    Research Interests:

    Physical activity, healthy eating, Indigenous health, adolescent & emerging adult health 

    Current Funding:
    • Opportunities for Moving More and Sitting Less: Exploring a Whole School Approach to Improve Children's 24-Hour Movement Patterns (Co-Principal Investigator) CIHR $504,900
    • Cultural Continuity and Physical Health: Creating a Model of Resiliency Among Indigenous Post-Secondary Students and Their Families (…
  • Assistant Professor, Program Chair
    Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to BScN Blended Program, School of Nursing
    Areas of Specialization:

    Ecological nursing, critical caring theory, online learning engagement, critical cultural education, interprofessional health education, program development and evaluation.

    Research Interests:
    • Exploring cultural adaptation and mitigation experiences of Registered Nurses in relation to climate and ecological crisis
    • Relational nursing practice within technology-enabled learning
    • Exploring best practices in PhD seminar coursework
    Current & Future Research:
    • An…
  • Professor
    Social Welfare and Social Development
    Areas of Specialization:

    Gender analysis, human rights, comparative perspectives on health and social welfare, public policy analysis

    Research Interests:

    Equality, citizenship, women and social development, social and cultural determinants of health and social welfare, decolonization, policy-making in pursuit of rights and justice 

    Current & Future Research:

    Completing an article on a transformational perspective of social welfare and an article on transnational socialist feminist movements. Collaborating on a project to…

  • Professor
    Sociology, Sociology, MA
    Areas of Specialization:

    Social and Technical Demography; Population Studies, Quantitative Research Methods, Multivariate Social Statistics

    Research Interests:

    Human Fertility; reproductive health; modeling demographic behaviors; health inequality; family transformation; immigrant integration; survey research.

  • Assistant Professor
    School of Nursing
    Current Interests

    Harm reduction, meaningful collaboration with persons with living expertise, substance use, drug policy, advocacy, and public health

    Current and Future Research
    • Meaningful engagement with persons who use unregulated substances 
    • The potential for inpatient addiction medicine unit to improve connections with community addiction supports and reduce more acute health service use at Health Sciences North (HSN), Sudbury, Ontario
    • Willingness of persons who inhale their drugs in Sudbury, Ontario to use a…
  • Associate Professor
    School of Criminal Justice, Sociology, MA
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Police response to persons with mental disorders; Communication and de-escalation techniques used by police officers; 

    Mental health screening performed by police officers and other front-line emergency responders; Police response to vulnerable populations; Probation and parole.

    Research Interests:

    ​Developing evidence-based police training for responding to persons with serious mental disorders; Mental health and cognitive status screening by frontline criminal justice personnel; 

    Characteristics of…

  • Adjunct Professor
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Social Demography, Population Analysis, Social Research

    Research Interests:
    • ​— Demography of Ethnic Groups,
    • — Human Fertility, Reproductive Health, and Family Planning, Population Policy
    • — Marriage, and Family Change,
    • — Population Aging,
    • — Demography of Muslim Countries
    Current & Future Research:

    Investigating the Impact of Life style on Childbearing Desires among Ethnic Groups in Iran, Studying Women’s Human Capital and Fertility Convergence in…

  • Assistant Professor
    School of Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN), Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to BScN Bridging Program
    Research Interests:

    Policy and Equity in the workplace; Social Determinants of Health; Health Behaviour Change Strategies, transient population/immigrant health.

    Current and Future Research: 

    Dr. Komakech has conducted research focused on issues in global health, inner city and immigrant health, rural-hard-to-reach population, child-maternal health, and policy actions to promote health equity by illuminating the role of social determinants of health in building an equitable and healthy communities (…

  • Professor
    Geography and Geology, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization:

    Environmental monitoring; environmental mapping; remote sensing; biogeography

    Research Interests:

    Mangrove forests; wetlands; radar remote sensing systems; optical remote sensing systems; hyperspectral remote sensing systems; Mexican Pacific; West Africa

    Current & Future Research:

    Mapping and monitoring mangrove forest health using optical and synthetic aperture radar earth observing satellites (NSERC funded)

    Hyperspectral remote sensing of degraded mangrove forests

    Applications of…

  • Associate Professor, (Sabbatical)
    Social Welfare and Social Development, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability), Sociology, MA
    Areas of Specialization:

    Comparative politics, development, welfare regimes and religion in Southeast Asia, transnational religious movements, democracy, social policy, nationalism, identity politics, gender, ethnicity and governance

    Research Interests:

    Cultural politics, religious diversity in Southeast Asia, geopolitics of Buddhism, health, education, the elderly, families, violence, poverty alleviation, social inequalities, disaster relief, moral economy

    Current & Future Research:

    ​Completing an article on socially-…

  • Service Course Instructor
    Gender Equality and Social Justice
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Health and HIV; Global Social Movements; Critical Security Studies; International Political Economy; Feminist International Relations

  • Student Intervention Specialist, Instructor
    Student Development and Services, Social Work

    Terra currently is certified to teach Mental Health First Aid for Adults who work with Youth (MHFA) and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). She has taught part of the new worker curriculum within Child Welfare and was part of helping deliver changes to the Child and Youth Family Services Act. She has taught Risk Resiliency and Complexity and has been an External Field Supervisor and Field Liaison within Nipissing’s Social Work Department. Terra’s research has included helping devise a diagnostic screening tool for adult psychiatric patients who…

  • Assistant Professor
    School of Nursing

    Current Interests:

    Dr. Aimable Nkurunziza's research focuses on improving health outcomes for mothers, children, and adolescents, particularly in low-resource settings. He is dedicated to addressing health disparities and promoting equity by developing effective interventions and analyzing social determinants of health. He also studies barriers to healthcare access and utilization, especially among marginalized groups, and evaluates the impact of health system reforms on patient outcomes. His work includes investigating health challenges…

  • Adjunct Professor

    Areas of Specialization:

    Public health, Community medicine, Clinical epidemiology

    Research Interests:

    Mental health, Women’s health, quality of life, Community health

    Current & Future Research:

    Assessment of national health programs, Risk assessment of a defined population, investigating social determinants of women’s health, Social health of women, economic impact of Covid-19 on hospitals, population based programs to prevent domestic violence against women, Revision of…

  • Associate Professor
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Collaborative, Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to BScN Bridging Program, Kinesiology, MSc, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability), Master of Education, School of Nursing
    Areas of Specialization:
    • Canadian Nurses Association Perinatal Nursing certification, PNC (c)
    • Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, Canadian Certified Simulation Nurse Educator, CCSNE
    • Simulationist, California Simulation Alliance at the University of San Francisco
    • Forensic Nursing Specialization, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre and Women’s College Hospital
    • Qualitative research; phenomenology
    • Design, implementation, and evaluation of maternal-child simulation
    • Practice education; practice…
  • Associate Professor
    Faculty of Arts and Science, Master of Education, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability), Kinesiology, MSc, Schulich School of Education
    Areas of Specialization:

    Indigenous education; Indigenous research methods; Community-based research; Indigenous health; Cultural safety; Cancer; Indigenous Healing and Traditional Medicine

    Research Interests:

    My current research interests include the intersections of health, education and Anishinaabe gikendassowin (Indigenous knowledge) and is centered on concepts such as mno bimaadiziwin (way of a good life) and wiidooktaadyang (we are helping each other). My research has explored the lived experiences of…

  • Associate Professor
    Physical and Health Education, Master of Education, Kinesiology, MSc, Schulich School of Education
    Areas of Specialization:

    Physical Education Pedagogy; Curriculum Studies; Social Studies

    Research Interests:

    Teacher pedagogy, physically active school cultures, mental resiliency, school-based physical activity opportunities, teacher-coach mentorship, inclusive educational environments

    Current & Future Research:

    Canadian Institute of Health Research Grant (2015-2017): Implementation and Impact Evaluation of a School Travel Planning Program Passing the torch: A school-based mentorship program for teacher-coaches (2016-…

  • Professor
    Schulich School of Education, Master of Education

    TEACHER ENGAGEMENT, TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION, AND LEADERSHIP IN STEM PEDAGOGY: The goal of the TDSB's STEM strategy is to build capacity among TDSB Kindergarten to Grade 12 educators to enhance their STEM pedagogical knowledge, self-efficacy, and promote STEM implementation in classrooms. A critical factor in enhancing STEM across the Board is teacher engagement. This study examined: (1) teacher cognitive and emotional engagement, (2) social engagement with colleagues, students, and leadership, and (3) teacher engagement with STEM and…

  • Instructor
    Social Work

    Kelly is a new part time teacher at Nipissing University and is looking forward to this year. Kelly has provided training to practitioners in crisis intervention, mental health programs, and provided training sessions previously to the North Bay Police force in recognizing symptoms of youth mental health needs to support in the Crisis Rapid Response program using the HealthIM screener. Kelly is teaching SWRK 3216 Professional Skills Development.

  • Associate Professor
    Sociology, Sociology, MA
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Canadian Health Care System; Social Gerontology; Sociology of Health, Illness & Mental Disorder; Social Determinants of Health.

    Research Interests:

    ​Health Services Research, Health Informatics, Stress & Social Support, Palliative Care, Social Gerontology

    Current and Future Research:

    I am a health services researcher collaborating with a group called interRAI.

    InterRAI is a network of clinicians and researchers in over 30 countries committed to improving health care for persons who…

  • Professor
    Social Work, Sociology, MA, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability), RDS Canada
    Areas of Specialization:

    Dr. Sullivan’s principal research interests are focused on the social context of aging and older age including geriatric mental health, dementia care and support, social isolation and loneliness, elder abuse, and aging without children.

    Current Awards:

    A Realist Evaluation of Rare Dementia Support Canada (2024-2027)
    Sullivan, M.P., Williams, V. (Nipissing University), Hoben, M. (York University), Crutch, S. (University College London), Tierney, S. (Oxford University), and Thornborrow, J. (Nipissing University…

  • Director, Assistant Professor
    Social Work, RDS Canada
    Areas of Specialization:

    Student-teacher relationship development in kindergarten classrooms.  Other areas of specialization include children and youth mental health, social work leadership, adjudicated youth and past trauma experiences, and child protection services.

    Research Interests:


    • Themes of connection and attachment between teachers and students
    • Front line transitions into social work leadership
    • Addressing past traumatic experiences of youth in conflict with the law
  • Professor
    Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to BScN Blended Program, School of Nursing
    Areas of Specialization:

    Narrative Inquiry, Curriculum-Teaching-Learning, Experiential Learning, Nursing Education, and Inquiry Based Learning.

    Research Interests:
    • Anyinam, C., Coffey, S., Vanderlee R., Da Silva, S., Smith, F., Zitzelsberger, H., Thompson, J., & Odette, F. ($217,183). Partnership for applied research to support the development and evaluation of the Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities Network (PSDNet) Funder: SSHRC- Community and College Social Innovation Fund – 2015/17
    • Co-primary Investigator -…
  • Professor
    Schulich School of Education, Master of Education, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability)
    Areas of Specialization & Research Interests:

    Since Dr. Vitale has spent over 12 years in the secondary school music classroom, it is not surprising that music education lies at the core of his overall research agenda. From a research perspective, Dr. Vitale has identified 6 portals of interest:  

    Dr. John L. Vitale - Primary Research Program
  • Professor
    School of Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN), Master of Education, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability), Kinesiology, MSc, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Collaborative, Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to BScN Bridging Program, Sociology, MA, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES, RDS Canada

    Veronika’s research predominately focuses on health service delivery and specifically on three main areas: a) how we can improve patient care by learning from and integrating the lived experiences of people with long-term conditions; b) how can we better support people living with a long-term condition with a focus on young and rare onset dementia and c) advancing the practice of evidence-based health care and qualitative methods.

    Veronika has specific expertise in qualitative research methods, and has experience in conducting qualitative studies embedded…

  • Instructor
    Social Work

    Jocelyn has taught and provided community workshops regarding child & youth mental health, parenting strategies and approaches and the impact of attachment/trauma on children, youth and families.

    This is Jocelyn's second time teaching SWRK 4716 Social Work Leadership and she is looking forward to the opportunity to get to know the students and to sharing her knowledge and experience to prepare future social workers for leadership at all levels of social work service delivery.

  • Professor
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP), PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability), Master of Education
    Areas of Specialization:

    Lifestyle modification for hypertension control

    Randomized controlled trial and pilot study

    Immigrant and minority health

    Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine for chronic illness management

    Chronic illness management in community

    Culturally sensitive nursing intervention

    Research Interests:

    Dietary intervention to prevent and treat hypertensionLifestyle modification and chronic illness controlIncorporation of Traditional Chinese Medicine for chronic illness…