Research Directory

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  • Assistant Professor
    Geography and Geology, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization:

    Highly variable natural and human landscapes; rural livelihoods; Africa

    Research Interests:

    Small-scale fisheries; environmental indicators; non-state institutional actors

    Current & Future Research:

    Examination of the role of the Arctic Char fishery in Nunavut's economic development and food security

    Exploitation of floodplain fisheries and regional distribution chains in Southern Africa (funded by NINA-NIKU)

  • Associate Professor
    Geography and Geology, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization:

    Health geography; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); environmental management

    Research Interests:

    Environment and health; GIS and health; population health; air pollution exposure and health; geography and health in East Africa (South Sudan). 

    Current & Future Research:

    Canadian Census Mortality and Cancer Follow-up study;

    Mobility, air pollution exposure, and health outcomes;

    Air pollution modeling;

    Socioeconomic determinants of health


  • Associate Professor
    Anthropology, Sociology, MA, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability), Psychology, Sociology and Child and Family Studies, History, MA
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Environmental anthropology; social and cultural theory; science, technology, and society ; political economy; commodity chains; the social construction of risk; fisheries and aquaculture; protected areas; historical memory and critical heritage studies; death, dying, and mourning; Eastern North America, particularly Newfoundland and Labrador and Central and Eastern Ontario.

  • Associate Professor
    Anthropology, Sociology, MA, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES, Psychology, Sociology and Child and Family Studies
    Areas of Specialization:

    Environmental anthropology, ethnology of northern Canada, decolonizing and emancipatory research methodologies.

    Research Interests:

    Political ecology of environmental governance; participatory processes within environmental management and assessment; extractive industries; Indigenous-state relations; water governance in Indigenous communities, narrative anthropology, critical heritage studies.

    Current & Future Research:

    2020-2025       Taking Care of Our Stories (SSHRC Insight Grant, Principal…

  • Associate Professor
    History, Geography and Geology, History, MA, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization:

    Cultural and historical geography, critical geopolitics, environmental history, political ecology, geographies of science

    Research Interests:

    Networks of empire, science, and nature; imperial geopolitics; environmental histories of the British Empire; colonial afterlives of imperial knowledge; politics of biodiversity heritage

    Current & Future Research:

    Zoogeography and empire; militarization of the North Atlantic; environmental histories of the “Near North”; geopolitics of the Gulf Stream

  • Professor, Director, School of Physical and Health Education
    Physical and Health Education, Kinesiology, MSc, Physical and Health Education
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Biomechanics, artificial neural networks, wavelet transforms, bilateral asymmetry, energy expenditure and movement classification modelling.

    Research Interests:

    ​Dr. Hay’s initial interest in bilateral asymmetry in humans led to research on how it might affect performance and efficiency. This line of questioning has led to several collaborative  publications and has been expanded to study other fundamental aspects of human balance and movement. The second area of Dr. Hay’s research has been an outgrowth of the…

  • Professor
    Geography and Geology, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization:

    Catchment and hillslope hydrology, streamflow generation, stable isotope hydrology

    Research Interests:

    Streamflow generation, groundwater-surface water interactions, use of environmental tracers in hydrology, integration of modeling and data, interdisciplinary research.

    Current & Future Research:

    Use of stable water isotopes in the study of water cycling in Precambrian shield watersheds and lakes.Computer modeling of water quality and quantity for Shield watersheds.Watershed classification in…

  • Associate Professor
    Biology and Chemistry
    Research Interests:

    Dr. Kariuki's current interests include hydrometallurgy as well as a study of the effects of reduced sulphur species on water quality. The main goal of the hydrometallurgical research that we are performing is to develop more environmentally friendly and economical ways of mining minerals compared to the smelting processes that have traditionally been used.

    An important part of the sulphur project is an investigation of the speciation of the reduced sulphur species in drinking water sources.

    The above research is being…

  • Associate Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator
    Sociology, Sociology, MA, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability)
    Areas of Specialization:

    Sociological Theory; Social Psychology; Environmental Sociology; Sociology of Organizations & Occupations; Science & Technology Studies; Ethnographic Research

    Research Interests:

    My areas of research and student supervision include 1) the social psychological explorations of constraint and adaptation within groups, organizations, occupations and everyday life; and 2) social construction of expert knowledge, risk, and social-environmental problems.

    Current & Future Research:


  • Professor
    Geography and Geology, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization:

    Environmental monitoring; environmental mapping; remote sensing; biogeography

    Research Interests:

    Mangrove forests; wetlands; radar remote sensing systems; optical remote sensing systems; hyperspectral remote sensing systems; Mexican Pacific; West Africa

    Current & Future Research:

    Mapping and monitoring mangrove forest health using optical and synthetic aperture radar earth observing satellites (NSERC funded)

    Hyperspectral remote sensing of degraded mangrove forests

    Applications of…

  • Professor
    Physical and Health Education, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES, Kinesiology, MSc, Master of Education, PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability)

    Pat’s research focuses on three overlapping areas:

    1. the meanings that people take from their experiences visiting remote/peripheral/Polar regions;
    2. the pedagogical approaches, such as experiential learning, that help people create action from these experiences, and;
    3. the linkages to global sustainability challenges that result when people change their values and behaviours.

    Past projects have been funded by agencies such as:

    • The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of…
  • Associate Professor
    Religions and Cultures
    Areas of Specialization:

    Areas of expertise are the religious traditions of South Asia with a focus on Hinduism and Buddhism.

    Research Interests:

    Research interests include: women and religion, religion and the environment and New Religious Movements.

  • Assistant Professor
    Geography and Geology, Biology and Chemistry, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Areas of Specialization

    Ecohydrology, Contaminants, Mercury, Climate and Environmental Change, Wetland Restoration, Solute Transport

    Research Interests

    My research focuses how the interactions and feedbacks between ecohydrological, biogeochemical, and soil physical processes control the movement of water, nutrients, carbon, and contaminants in northern landscapes under a changing climate. I am particularly interested in how the structure of organic soils, like peat, govern water and contaminant flow. I am…

  • Associate Professor
    Current & Future Research

    We currently have a few projects underway. One is based on an experiment by one of our previous thesis students. The experiment is called "The influence of emotionality on change detection in younger and older adults: A replication and extension". This experiment involves pictures that have been changed either centrally or peripherally. The original picture, a blank screen, followed by the altered picture are flashed continuously until the participant locates the change between the pictures. Each of the pictures used have been…

  • Professor
    History, History, MA, Environmental Science/Studies, MESc/MES
    Research Interests:

    North American environmental history; Food and Agriculture; Canadian West; British Columbia.

    Current & Future Research:

    Empire Grown: Land, Agriculture and the British Colonial Food System in Canada

    My major research interrogates the implications for Canadian communities of late-19th to mid-20th century food systems, seeking to discover the effects on local environment, and community cohesion, of a turn from local foods to distant producers in Canada, the United States and the British Empire.


  • Associate Professor
    Physical and Health Education, Master of Education, Kinesiology, MSc, Schulich School of Education
    Areas of Specialization:

    Physical Education Pedagogy; Curriculum Studies; Social Studies

    Research Interests:

    Teacher pedagogy, physically active school cultures, mental resiliency, school-based physical activity opportunities, teacher-coach mentorship, inclusive educational environments

    Current & Future Research:

    Canadian Institute of Health Research Grant (2015-2017): Implementation and Impact Evaluation of a School Travel Planning Program Passing the torch: A school-based mentorship program for teacher-coaches (2016-…

  • Associate Professor
    Physical and Health Education, Kinesiology, MSc
    Areas of Specialization:

    ​Biomechanics, with focus on movement in older adults.

    Research Interests:

    Quantifying changes in movement characteristics that occur across the later years of the life span (between older adults in varying age groups).

    Defining the interaction of age and other factors, such as psychological factors (fear of falling, balance confidence), cognitive loading conditions (performing two tasks at the same time compared to one task on its own), and environmental conditions (heat, cold, varying altitude), on movement…

  • Associate Professor
    Faculty of Education and Professional Studies, School of Business

    Dr. Singh’s primary research areas include talent management, organizational behavior, and strategic HR practices. Her research aims to identify the key drivers of employee engagement and investigate how organizations can create environments that support employee well-being. This includes studying the effects of workplace spirituality, workgroup identification, toxic leadership, bullying, and workplace favoritism on employees’ performance and well-being. She is also keen on investigating the impact of a nurturing work environment on employees’ psychological…

  • Associate Professor
    Psychology, Psychology, Sociology and Child and Family Studies, Sociology, Child and Family Studies
    Areas of Specialization:

    Behavioural neuroscienceneural basis of learning and memoryanimal models of fear and anxietyanimal models of maternal behaviour

    Research Interests:

    Neurobiology of Learning and MemorySynaptic Structural Change during Neural PlasticityEffects of Environmental Toxins on Learning and Memory

    Current & Future Research:
    Nipissing University (July 2000 - Present)

    As an Associate Professor of Psychology I am continuing my research on the synaptic basis of learning and memory. I am currently…