Dr. Alison Schinkel-Ivy

Areas of Specialization:
Biomechanics, with focus on movement in older adults.
Research Interests:
Quantifying changes in movement characteristics that occur across the later years of the life span (between older adults in varying age groups).
Defining the interaction of age and other factors, such as psychological factors (fear of falling, balance confidence), cognitive loading conditions (performing two tasks at the same time compared to one task on its own), and environmental conditions (heat, cold, varying altitude), on movement characteristics in older adults.
Predicting movement strategies in older adults, and relating these strategies to negative outcomes (falls, injuries).
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Wong, J.S., Mansfield, A.(accepted July 11, 2016). Balance confidence is related to features of balance and gait in individuals with chronic stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Drake, J.D.M.(in press). Breast size impacts postural muscle activation and spine motion. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil . DOI: 10.3233/BMR-160680.
Martins, O., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Cotter, B.D., Drake, J.D.M. (2016). Changes in spatiotemporal gait parameters following immediate and sustained use of insoles with a progressive system of increasing arch support. Footwear Sci, 8(3), 147-54.
Siu, A., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Drake, J.D.M. (2016). Arm position influences the activation patterns of trunk muscles during trunk range of motion movements. Hum Mov Sci, 49, 267-76.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Singer, J.C., Inness, E.L., Mansfield, A. (2016). Do quiet standing centre of pressure measures within specific frequency components differ based on balance recovery abilities in individuals with stroke? Clin Neurophysiol, 127(6), 2463-71.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Inness, E.L., Mansfield, A. (2016). Relationship between fear of falling, balance confidence, and control of balance, gait, and reactive stepping in individuals with sub-acute stroke. Gait Posture, 43(1), 154-9.
Ang, C., Nairn, B.C., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Drake, J.D.M. (2016). Seated maximum flexion: An alternative to standing maximum flexion for determining presence of flexion-relaxation? J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 29(2), 249-58.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Drake, J.D.M. (2015). Sequencing of superficial trunk muscle activation during range-of-motion tasks. Hum Mov Sci, 43, 67-77.
Mansfield, A., Aqui, A., Centen, A., Danells, C.J., DePaul, V.G., Knor, S., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Brooks, D., Inness, E.L., McIlroy, W.E., Mochizuki, G. (2015). Perturbation training to promote safe independent mobility post-stroke: Study protocol for a randomized trial. BMC Neurol, 15-87.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., DiMonte, S., Drake, J.D.M. (2015). Repeatability and accuracy of kinematic and electromyographical parameters during trunk motion: Hom many trials are sufficient? J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 25(2), 232-8.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Drake, J.D.M. (2015). Which motion segments are required to sufficiently characterize the kinematic behaviour of the trunk? J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 25(2), 239-46.
Lühring, S., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Drake, J.D.M. (2015). Evaluation of the lumbar kinematic measures that most consistently characterize lumbar muscle activation patterns during trunk flexion: A cross-sectional study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 38(1), 44-50.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Pardisnia, S., Drake, J.D.M. (2014). Head and arm positions that elicit maximal voluntary trunk range-of-motion measures. J Appl Biomech, 30, 689-96.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Nairn, B.C., Drake, J.D.M. (2014). Quantification of the lumbar flexion-relaxation phenomenon: Comparing outcomes of lumbar erector spinae and superficial lumbar multifidus in standing full trunk flexion and slumped sitting postures. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 37, 494-501.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Burkhart, T.A., Andrews, D.M. (2014). Differences in distal lower extremity tissue composition in athletes of sports involving repetitive impacts. J Sports Sci, 32(6), 533-41.
Burkhart, T.A., Bertram, R.A., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Andrews, D.M. (2014). Assessing the feasibility of pedometers for quantifying the number of lower extremity impacts experiences by varsity athletes over a season. Int J Kin Sport Sci, 2(1), 7-12.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Altenhof, W.J., Andrews, D.M. (2014). Validation of a full body finite element model (THUMS) for running-type impacts to the lower extremity. Comp Methods Biomech Biomed Eng, 17(2), 137-48.
Silvestri, G., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Drake, J.D.M. (2013). Assessment of trunk muscle co-contraction during typical occupational movement tasks. Occup Ergon, 11(4), 165-76.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Nairn, B.C., Drake, J.D.M. (2013). Evaluation of methods for the quantification of the flexion relaxation phenomenon in the lumbar spine. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 36, 349-58.
Burkhart, T.A., Schinkel-Ivy, A., Andrews, D.M. (2013). Tissue mass ratios and the reporting of distal lower extremity injuries in varsity athletes at a Canadian university. J Sports Sci, 31(6), 684-7.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Nairn, B.C., Drake, J.D.M. (2013). Investigation of trunk muscle co-contraction and its association with low back pain development during prolonged sitting. J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 23(4), 778-86.
Schinkel-Ivy, A., Burkhart, T.A., Andrews, D.M. (2012). Leg tissue mass composition affects tibial acceleration response following impatc. J Appl Biomech, 28, 29-40.