Nipissing appoints Dr. Ann-Barbara Graff as Provost and Vice-President, Academic

Dr. Ann-Barbara Graff
North Bay, ON - Nipissing University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Ann-Barbara Graff as Provost and Vice-President, Academic for a five-year term, beginning July 1, 2023.
Dr. Graff is currently the Vice-President, Academic and Research (VPAR) and Provost at NSCAD University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she concurrently holds the rank of Full Professor, Art History and Contemporary Culture. She is also adjunct faculty in the Graduate Department of English at Dalhousie University, and Chair of the Management Committee of Faculty Bargaining Services (FBS). Previously, Dr. Graff worked at Nipissing University, including as both Acting Dean and Associate Dean in the Faculty of Arts & Science, and Chair of English Studies.
As VPAR and Provost at NSCAD, Dr. Graff is responsible for the development and execution of NSCAD’s Academic Plan, Strategic Enrolment Management Plan, COVID-19 response, cohort faculty hiring, and the renewal of the University’s strategic research plan.
“Dr. Graff brings a wealth of leadership experience to this role, as well as an understanding of Nipissing’s strengths, potential, and important role in the community,” said Dr. Kevin Wamsley, President and Vice-Chancellor, Nipissing University. “We look forward to welcoming Ann-Barbara back to Nipissing and to the many contributions she will make to the University’s growth and advancement of our mission.”
Dr. Graff holds a BA, MA and PhD in English from the University of Toronto and is a graduate of the Institute for Management and Leadership in Higher Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education (MIE). She is currently completing an LLM in Labour and Employment Law at Osgoode Hall (Toronto).
An accomplished feminist scholar of the nineteenth century, Dr. Graff’s research focuses on critical theory, particularly evolutionary metaphorics and the production of hegemonic narratives of Englishness, and digital humanities in the galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMS) sector. Her current research involves focused strategies for renewal of the academy, specifically in academic labour relations and removing barriers to participation.
“Nipissing University is a special place for me and for those who work and study here,” said Dr. Graff. “I’m so excited to be bringing back what I have learned to contribute to Nipissing’s next generation of success. This is an opportunity to contribute where I can use my experience to help the institution achieve its clearly articulated goals.”
“I feel incredibly fortunate to be joining a strong, collaborative and collegial leadership team driven by a strong sense of purpose and service to the community,” she added. “There is the pleasure and reward in working as a team to innovate and build as well as fortify and secure the programs in which students, faculty and researchers thrive. To advocate and articulate clearly the unique value proposition of Nipissing University will be a pleasure and privilege.”
Dr. Graff will concurrently hold a tenured appointment as Professor in the English Studies Department within the Faculty of Arts and Science at Nipissing University.
Media Contact:
Carly Johnston
Communications Officer
Nipissing University
(705) 474-3450 ext. 4035