Celebrate responsibly this Homecoming Weekend

Dear Students, 

Homecoming Weekend is just around the corner. After two years of virtual programming, it is exciting to once again celebrate our shared pride for Nipissing in person, November 18-20, 2022.   

As Nipissing students, you are the most important ambassadors for our institution and your actions, both on and off campus, matter. As such, I wanted to remind you of the importance of celebrating safely and respectfully and keeping the best interests of your fellow Lakers and broader community in mind. 

Tips for a safe and fun Homecoming Weekend: 

  • Keep gatherings small. Be respectful and considerate of your neighbours and their children. Keep the noise level down and familiarize yourself with the City of North Bay By-Law to Control Noise 
  • Look out for your fellow Lakers. To avoid over-intoxication, ensure non-alcoholic drink options and water are available and plan for food or snacks to share. If friends or guests are intoxicated, help to ensure that they make it home safely. Know the signs of over-intoxication and call 911 if you think a friend may be over-intoxicated. 
  • Plan ahead for a safe ride home. Stay together with your friends and avoid traveling alone. Use the Nipissing Safe app Virtual Walk home feature if you are on campus, or the Friend Walk feature if you are off campus. 
  • Familiarize yourself with important policies such as the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Respectful Workplace and Learning Environments Policy and Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Policy. You can find these policies on our website here or linked via the Nipissing Safe app. 
  • Stay home if you are feeling unwell. 

Thanks for doing your part to ensure Homecoming remains a point of pride for our Lakers community and community-at-large. 

Casey Phillips, PhD 
Assistant Vice-President, Students