Dr. Katie Maxwell
Global Perspectives in Education, Teaching and Learning of Pre-Service Teachers, Collective Efficacy, Principals as Lead Learners, Equity-Centered Leadership, Change Culture in Schools
Keith, E., & Maxwell, K. (2024). (re)Imagining and valuing adjunct faculty’s vast funds of knowledge. In M. Drinkwater, & P. Deane (Eds.), The bloomsbury handbook of context and transformative leadership in higher education. Bloomsbury Publishing. https://www.bloomsbury.com/ca/the-bloomsbury-handbook-of-context-and-transformative-leadership-in-higher-education-9781350406322/
Maxwell, K. (2024). Growing shared knowledge in schools: Cultivating curiosity and engaging educator reflexivity. In K. H. MacKinnon (Ed.), Transformative change through educational leadership: Stories, models, and wonderings. Canadian Scholars. https://canadianscholars.ca/book/transformative-change-through-educational-leadership/
Maxwell, K. (2024). Inclusive education: Challenging our assumptions and checking blind spots. In E. Keith (Ed.), Decolonizing inclusive education: Centering heartwork, care, and listening. IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/book/decolonizing-inclusive-education/330541
Maxwell, K. (2019). Shaping the leadership practice of effective principals [Doctoral dissertation, Western University]. Western Education Repository. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/oip/110/
Maxwell, K. (2024). Cultivating learning beyond the classroom: Principals as advocates for place-based outdoor education. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. In T. Buttler & K. Kiers (Eds.), Successful outdoor learning in Canadian contexts: Key factors and practical examples for beginning and experienced teachers. Canadian Scholars.