Dr. Katie Maxwell

Photo of Katie Maxwell
Assistant Professor / Faculty of Education and Professional Studies - Schulich School of Education
Full-time Faculty
Dr. Maxwell brings an international perspective to education in her role as a K–12 classroom teacher for 18 years, while working with students in a variety of schools in Australia, Japan, and Canada. More recently, she has dedicated the last ten years of her career to being a school principal in both urban and rural K–8 schools in Ontario. Dr. Maxwell is committed to developing the leadership and scholarship of adult learners in education. She has many years of experience teaching additional qualification courses for teachers and principals with the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), Queen’s University, and the Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC). In higher education, Dr. Maxwell has had the honour of teaching in the BEd, MEd, and EdD programs at York University, Lakehead University, Yorkville University, and Western University. She is so very excited to be teaching in the BEd program at Nipissing University this school year.
EdD, Educational Leadership - Western University
MA, International Education (School Leadership) - Charles Sturt University
BEd - University of Western Sydney
BBA - University of Western Sydney

Global Perspectives in Education, Teaching and Learning of Pre-Service Teachers, Collective Efficacy, Principals as Lead Learners, Equity-Centered Leadership, Change Culture in Schools


Keith, E., & Maxwell, K. (2024). (re)Imagining and valuing adjunct faculty’s vast funds of knowledge.  In M. Drinkwater, & P. Deane (Eds.), The bloomsbury handbook of context and transformative leadership in higher education. Bloomsbury Publishing. https://www.bloomsbury.com/ca/the-bloomsbury-handbook-of-context-and-transformative-leadership-in-higher-education-9781350406322/

Maxwell, K. (2024).  Growing shared knowledge in schools: Cultivating curiosity and engaging educator reflexivity. In K. H. MacKinnon (Ed.), Transformative change through educational leadership: Stories, models, and wonderings. Canadian Scholars. https://canadianscholars.ca/book/transformative-change-through-educational-leadership/

Maxwell, K. (2024). Inclusive education: Challenging our assumptions and checking blind spots. In E. Keith (Ed.), Decolonizing inclusive education:  Centering heartwork, care, and listening. IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/book/decolonizing-inclusive-education/330541

Maxwell, K. (2019). Shaping the leadership practice of effective principals [Doctoral dissertation, Western University]. Western Education Repository. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/oip/110/

Maxwell, K. (2024). Cultivating learning beyond the classroom:  Principals as advocates for place-based outdoor education. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. In T. Buttler & K. Kiers (Eds.), Successful outdoor learning in Canadian contexts: Key factors and practical examples for beginning and experienced teachers. Canadian Scholars.