Dr. Jane Barker

Headshot of Dr. Jane Barker
Associate Dean, Arts & Science / Faculty of Arts and Science
Professor / Faculty of Education and Professional Studies - School of Criminal Justice
Associate Dean
Full-time Faculty
Graduate Program Faculty
Dr. Jane Barker completed her graduate training in Clinical Psychology and joined Nipissing University in 2003. She has extensive experience working with individuals who have come in conflict with the law, having worked in a number of Federal Correctional Institutions including the Prison for Women in Kingston, and later at the Grand Valley Institution for Women in Kitchener, Ontario. Dr. Barker has edited a textbook entitled, “Women and the Criminal Justice System: A Canadian Perspective” which has been adopted at a number of Universities and Colleges across Canada, and is currently in its second edition.
BA, McMaster University
MA, Queen's University
PhD, Queen’s University
Areas of Specialization:

​Women and the Criminal Justice System

Research Interests:

Criminalized Women/Policing

Current & Future Research:

Corrections (various projects with G. Brown, C. Greco & K. McMillan)



Selected Publications

Millar, P.E., & Barker, J. E. (2020). Gender and academic promotion to full professor in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 45(1), 47-70.

Barker, J.E. & Tavcer, D.S. (2018). Women and the Criminal Justice System: A Canadian Perspective 2nd edition. Toronto: Emond Publications Ltd.

Barker, J.E. & Tavcer, D.S. (2018). Substance Use and Abuse: The Role that Drugs and Alcohol Play in the Lives of Criminalized Women. In D. Gosse (Ed.), About Face: Essays on Recovery, Therapy, and Controversies of Addictions in Canada. St John’s: Breakwater Books Ltd.

Tavcer, D.S., & Barker, J.E. (4 May, 2018). Finding a middle ground on prostitution. Policy Options, The Institute for Research on Public Policy.  http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/may-2018/finding-a-middle-groun…

Barker, J.E. (2018). An Introduction to Offenders Populations. In J. Barath & M. Laferrier (Eds). Corrections in Canada: Principles and Practice. Toronto: Emond Publications Ltd.

Barker, J.E. (2017). Populations in Focus. In K. O’Regan & S. Reid (Eds.), Thinking about Criminal Justice in Canada 2nd edition. Toronto: Emond Publications Ltd. 

Barker, J.E. (2017). Navigating Role Conflict in Pursuit of an Academic Career. In DeRoche, C. & Berger, E.D. (Eds), The Parent-Track: Timing, Balance and Choice within Academica. Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier Press.

Barker, J.E. (2012). Populations in Focus. In K. O’Regan & S. Reid (Eds.), Thinking About Criminal Justice in Canada (pp. 293 – 322). Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd.

Brown, G. P., Barker, J.E., & McMillan, K. (2012). North Bay Police Service School Safety Project Report. Commissioned Report. North Bay Police Service, North Bay.

Barker, J. E. (Ed.). (2009). Women and the criminal justice system: A Canadian perspective. Toronto, ON:  Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd.

Barker, J.E, Houle, K., & Tremblay, C. (2009). Report on the Community Policing Survey Conducted by the West Nipissing Police Service. West Nipissing Police Service.

Barker, J.E., Brown, G.P., Crossland, L., & Spencer, A. (June, 2008). Evaluation of the True Self – Debwewendizwin Employment and Training Program Pilot Project: Stage 2 Summative Evaluation. Commissioned Report. True Self – Debwewendizwin Program, North Bay.