Dr. Larry Patriquin

Dr. Larry Patriquin's profile photo
Retired / Faculty of Arts and Science - Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Social Welfare - Social Welfare and Social Development
Full-time Faculty
Larry Patriquin has a PhD in Social and Political Thought from York University. He is the author of four books, including Economic Equality and Direct Democracy in Ancient Athens (2015) and Permanent Citizens’ Assemblies: A New Model for Public Deliberation (2020). Dr. Patriquin’s broad research area is capitalism in theoretical and historical perspective, with a specific focus on poverty and the welfare state. He has written on topics that are Canadian and non-Canadian, covering time periods both historical and contemporary. He combines an avid interest in social and political thought alongside detailed empirical research, with the aim of producing works for both scholarly and popular audiences.
BA, St. Francis Xavier University
MA, Carleton University
PhD, York University
Areas of Specialization:

​Capitalism, socialism, egalitarianism, labour, democracy, poverty, the welfare state

Research Interests:

The origins of capitalism and the welfare state; democracy, ancient and modern; the relationship between democracy and different forms of social rights; possible pathways to more egalitarian societies

Current & Future Research:

Currently writing a book on the relationship between democracy and social rights.

​Authored Books

Patriquin, Larry. 2020. Permanent Citizens’ Assemblies: A New Model for Public Deliberation. London: Rowman and Littlefield International. 93 pp. 
Available: https://www.rowmaninternational.com/media/1767/pca.pdf

Patriquin, Larry. 2015. Economic Equality and Direct Democracy in Ancient Athens. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 100 pp. 

Patriquin, Larry. 2007. Agrarian Capitalism and Poor Relief in England, 1500-1860: Rethinking the Origins of the Welfare State. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 254 pp. 

Patriquin, Larry. 2004. Inventing Tax Rage: Misinformation in the National Post. Halifax: Fernwood. 190 pp. 

Edited Books 

Patriquin, Larry, ed. 2013. The Ellen Meiksins Wood Reader. Chicago: Haymarket. 335 pp. 

Journal Articles 

Patriquin, Larry. 2013. “The Class Ceiling of Social Rights.” Journal of Progressive Human Services 24: 66-80. 

Patriquin, Larry. 2011. “More Democracy, Less Poverty.” New Politics, no. 51: 79-89. 

Patriquin, Larry. 2009-10. “Social Policy, Social Democracy, and the Lessons of History: A Case Study of Gareth Stedman Jones’ An End to Poverty?.” Canadian Review of Social Policy, no. 63/64: 1-14.