9th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, April 1-2, 2016
Brittany Luby
Historical Researcher and Research Subject: The Challenges of Writing Community History from within the Academy

Brittany Luby is a current PhD Candidate in the Department of History at Laurentian University. She is currently working on her Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded dissertation “Nizaabaawe/Drowned: Anishinabek Economies and Activism during the Post-War Hydroelectric Boom, 1950-1975” under the supervision of Dr. Colin Coates and Dr. Carolyn Podruchny. Luby’s work can be found in periodicals such as Ontario History, Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Native Studies Review, Feathertale Review, Native Literatures: Generations, and Red Ink Magazine. A talented poet as well, Luby’s poetry has appeared in Walk Myself Home.