From Student to Artist: Corbin Elliot's Journey

As the opening of Corbin Elliott's highly anticipated solo exhibition at the WKP Kennedy Gallery draws near, excitement surrounds not only his artwork but the inspiring narrative that accompanies the artist. A proud alumnus of Nipissing University’s Bachelor of Fine Arts program, Elliot’s journey from student to professional artist highlights the transformative power of an education in the arts.

Reflecting on his time at Nipissing, Elliot shares how his choice to pursue a degree in art was not merely an academic decision, but a commitment to honouring his passion for creativity. “Choosing to study art was a way for me to truly honour what I love,” he explained, emphasizing the deep connection he felt to his work. Throughout his studies, Elliot faced numerous challenges, including personal struggles and the uncertainty brought on by the pandemic, which struck midway through his academic journey. 

Corbin Elliot creating an art piece

Corbin Elliot creating an art piece

Despite grappling with self-doubt and anxiety about his future, he persevered, learning to trust the creative process and allowing himself to grow as an artist. “I knew this degree wasn’t my only possible avenue, but I recognized that I would learn a lot more about myself in this new and challenging environment,” he reflected. This resilience would become a cornerstone of his artistic identity, enabling him to navigate both the triumphs and tribulations of his creative path.

Elliot credits many Nipissing community members for shaping his experience and contributing to his growth as an artist. Their mentorship, support, and encouragement created a nurturing environment that fostered Elliot’s artistic development and instilled confidence in his abilities. “Amanda Burk, Andrew Ackerman, Laura Peturson, Alix Voz, Leah Symington, Jaymie Laythem, Eric Weichel, Eric Euler, Robin McDonald, Wendy Peters, and Renée Valiquette - these individuals played a significant role in my journey,” he expressed with heartfelt gratitude.

Among Elliot’s fondest memories at Nipissing are the in-class critiques and life-drawing sessions, which he found invaluable for his growth as an artist. “The rush of anxiety that comes from unveiling your work is intense, but that group-focused exposure and dialogue is invaluable,” he explained. These shared experiences allowed him to connect with his peers, engage in constructive discussions, and gain insights into his artistic practice. 

Corbin Elliot's art piece Over The Rainbow

Corbin Elliot's art piece "Over The Rainbow"

The culmination of his studies - the thesis exhibition - stands out as one of his most significant moments. “It was during my thesis that I felt the most confident in my abilities,” he recalled. The opportunity to showcase his work in the gallery not only marked a proud moment but also foreshadowed his return to that space as a solo artist. “Installing our work in the gallery and celebrating our exhibition as graduates was a moment of collective pride that underscored what was possible in showcasing our work professionally.”

As someone who has navigated the challenging waters of becoming an artist, Elliot offers valuable advice to current Nipissing students aspiring to pursue a career in the arts. “Everyone holds the gift of intuition, so it is your job to use it,” he said. He encourages students to embrace opportunities, even when doubts arise, and to trust in their creative instincts. “The most rewarding work you can do for yourself is to find out what you are truly passionate about. Say yes to things when you doubt yourself. If something excites you, try it. If something feels beyond you, work towards it,” he emphasized.

Elliot's perspective underscores a belief that learning is a lifelong endeavour. “I like to say that we are all just students of this world, so remember that you are always just learning,” he added. This philosophy, cultivated during his time at Nipissing, continues to guide him in his professional journey.

Even after graduation, Elliot remains deeply connected to the Nipissing community, valuing the relationships he built with professors and peers during his time at the Uuniversity. He actively participates in creative projects and attends events, often hosting life-drawing sessions at the gallery, where he reconnects with familiar faces and contributes to the vibrant artistic community he cherishes. “I like to keep in touch with my previous professors; they feel more like my peers now. I appreciate the opportunities and guidance they provide me from time to time,” he shared.

This sense of community is vital to Elliot’s artistic journey, as he engages with fellow alumni and current students to inspire one another and foster a collaborative environment. “I try my best to make it out to events like openings at the Reflections Gallery in the Student Centre,” he explained, emphasizing the importance of supporting one another in their artistic pursuits.

Elliot's upcoming exhibit at the WKP Kennedy Gallery marks a significant milestone in his artistic exploration. His work, described as a “personal journalistic excavation,” delves into existential themes and the complexities of the human experience. “I aim to portray the themes of darkness and light, grievances and joys—wondrous absurdities of life,” he said. This duality is central to his artistic vision, as he believes that through honest portrayals, we can find a sense of peace.

The excitement of having a solo exhibition at such a prestigious venue is palpable. Elliot previously worked as an assistant curator at the WKP Kennedy Gallery, gaining firsthand experience of the installation process for other artists’ shows. “When the funding for my position ran out, the director, Jennifer Allison, was incredibly supportive of my goals and offered me studio space to continue my practice,” he recalled. “When I was ultimately offered a solo show, fireworks went off in my brain. I still shed tears of gratitude to this day.”

As Nipissing University’s Homecoming Weekend approaches, Elliot highlights the event's significance for him as an alumnus. “Homecoming is a reminder of how we planted seeds at Nipissing and how we've grown since,” he shared. With his exhibit coinciding with the Downtown Gallery Hop, he looks forward to welcoming current students and alumni to celebrate the artistic achievements of the Nipissing community. “I want to inspire students, showing them that their dreams are not so far from reach.”

 “I hope that current students who dream of the same things I do feel motivated in knowing that their aspirations are attainable,” he added.

As he prepares to unveil his art at the WKP Kennedy Gallery, his journey from Nipissing student to emerging artist serves as an inspiration to current and future generations. Through his work, Elliot not only reflects his personal growth, but also invites others to explore their own creative paths, reinforcing the profound impact that art can have on both individuals and the community at large.

Staying Connected

Fans and followers can keep up with Corbin Elliot's latest work and exhibitions through his social media channels and website, where he documents his creative process and final pieces:

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