Nipissing University BComm alumni excel at Lekadir LLP

Bachelor of Commerce graduates, Mathew Barber and Nemanja Djelmo, now both staff accountants at Lekadir LLP, have shared how their education at Nipissing University prepared them for their successful careers in accounting.

Nemanja Djelmo Headshot

Nemanja Djelmo BComm '23

Barber's academic journey began as a student in Nipissing’s BComm College Partnership Program with Algonquin College, which he credits for helping him reach his professional goals. “My degree from Nipissing prepared me greatly for my career. I apply the knowledge and experience I gained from my time with Nipissing on a daily basis,” Barber said.

Djelmo echoes similar sentiments about the value of his Nipissing education. “Nipissing had a great impact on my preparation for the current career path I chose. All the professors at the university were super informed on the basic and more complex topics in the accounting industry.” Djelmo 's initial interest in accounting was sparked by a high school course, which led him to pursue further studies at Nipissing.

Both alumni fondly recall their time at Nipissing. For Barber, attending his graduation ceremony in person was a highlight, while Djelmo cherishes the overall experience of being a Laker and the supportive professors who made his classes enjoyable.

Nipissing alumni have directly impacted our business with their collaborative spirit and drive to succeed.

Dan Assad
Operations Coordinator at Lekadir LLP
Mathew Barber Headshot

Mathew Barber Headshot BComm '23

Assad noted common strengths among the alumni, including communication, ambition, drive, and organization. He added that the firm's recruitment of these talented individuals was significantly aided by Sema Chaudhry, School of Business Coordinator, who played a crucial role in connecting Lekadir LLP with Nipissing students. 

Barber and Djelmo joined Lekadir LLP in January 2023, and have been active contributors to the firm’s success. Assad emphasizes their eagerness to learn and grow, as well as their dedication to being part of the firm's long-term success. “Overall, as a firm that recruits both locally and Canada-wide, our graduates from Nipissing have been absolute ‘home runs.’ We have had zero turnover with graduates from Nipissing.” 

Barber encourages future graduates to pursue their dreams, emphasizing the support and network provided by Nipissing, while Djelmo’s advice to graduates is to build relationships with professors and stay informed about job postings.

By applying the knowledge and skills honed during their time at Nipissing, these graduates have made significant contributions in their chosen field and continue to inspire current and future students through their dedication, innovation, and leadership.

