Nipissing nursing student’s quick actions save a life during medical emergency

A life-threatening cardiac event was met with quick thinking and expert action by Nipissing University nursing student Marco Tanuyan, who is being hailed as a hero for saving the life of a patient. While assisting in a dialysis clinic, Tanuyan sprang into action when a patient began experiencing severe symptoms of a heart attack, later identified as a "Widow Maker" – one of the most dangerous types of heart attacks affecting the Left Anterior Descending (LAD) artery.

The patient, who was waiting for transport after dialysis, suddenly felt unwell and called out for help. Tanuyan, a student in Nipissing's renowned School of Nursing, immediately recognized the signs of a cardiac event. He provided emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) when the patient became unresponsive, keeping the individual alive until the hospital's Cardiac Crash Team arrived. Over the course of the ordeal, Tanuyan performed CPR three times, helping to sustain the patient’s heart, which stopped on multiple occasions.

The patient later expressed heartfelt gratitude in an email to Nipissing University, sharing that Tanuyan’s intervention was the reason they survived the heart attack. "His CPR technique kept me alive after my heart stopped thrice and required paddles twice," the patient wrote. "Thanks to his skills and quick thinking, I’m now back with my family and undergoing rehabilitation."

Tanuyan’s quick response not only prevented a devastating outcome but also minimized long-term damage from the heart attack. The patient miraculously recovered with little harm to their heart or brain, crediting Tanuyan’s excellent CPR technique for helping restore critical circulation.

Reflecting on the incident, Tanuyan shared, “I’m just grateful I was there and could help. It’s what we’re trained for, and I’m thankful that my education at Nipissing has prepared me to handle situations like this with confidence. Knowing that my actions made a difference in someone’s life is incredibly rewarding.”

Nipissing’s School of Nursing is proud of Tanuyan’s life-saving actions, which showcase not only his dedication but also the high level of training its students receive. The program, known for producing highly skilled healthcare professionals, emphasizes both theoretical learning and practical, real-world experience.

"Tanuyan’s quick thinking and intervention are a testament to the values we instill in our students," said Dr. Karey McCullough, Interim Associate Dean of Nursing, Nipissing University. "We couldn’t be prouder of him, and we know that this is just the beginning of the incredible impact he will have on his future patients."

This remarkable story is just one example of how Nipissing nursing students are making a difference in the lives of those they serve, both in clinical settings and beyond. Tanuyan’s actions have not only saved a life but have reinforced the University’s commitment to excellence in healthcare education.


Media Contact:

Khia Beauchesne
Communications Officer
Nipissing University
(705) 474-3450 ext. 4035
