Update on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Nipissing University

After receiving feedback from equity-seeking groups across the institution regarding the equity audit, the audit process has been halted, however Nipissing’s work related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) continues. All respondents to the Request for Proposals have been notified. For more information on EDI initiatives at Nipissing, contact Traci Malkowski, Human Resources and Equity Advisor at tracim@nipissingu.ca.
The events and conversations that have transpired around the globe over the past year have highlighted the many ways in which systemic barriers and inequity exists within our society, our systems and our organizations. At Nipissing, we recognize the importance of acknowledging our shortcomings in the area of equity, diversity and inclusion and more importantly, our responsibility to take concrete action in order to create a respectful, diverse and inclusive culture where our students, staff and faculty can thrive.
Over the past number of months, Nipissing has held internal dialogues to spark conversations about barriers that exist within our own institution and how we can be a more inclusive university. As a next step in our commitment to taking action on eliminating systemic barriers to inclusion, Nipissing University is seeking a consultant to conduct a university-wide equity and stakeholder audit. This audit will form the foundation for a more thorough consultation process and development of a detailed action plan.
While this audit is a step in the right direction, we acknowledge that much work lies ahead to ensure that each member of our Lakers community feels represented, welcome, valued and heard.
A copy of the Request for Proposals can be found here and closes January 27, 2021 at 3 p.m. EST. Please share this opportunity widely.