Driessens named senior editor of learning and teaching journal

Dr. Sarah Driessens, Manager of eLearning in the Teaching Hub, has been named the new senior editor of Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT).
CELT publishes peer-reviewed scholarly and practice-based articles associated with the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE). The intent of the journal is to challenge conference presenters to convert the essence of their peer-reviewed sessions into essay form for a wide readership interested in teaching improvement practices in higher education.
Dr. Driessens holds a PhD in educational sustainability with a focus on language and literacy, and a master’s and bachelor’s degree in sociology. According to STLHE, in addition to Dr. Driessens’ fundamental strengths in education, her “experience and familiarity with the writing process - from drafting through to publication – as well as foundational knowledge of the mechanics of writing,” made her the ideal fit for the role.
Congratulations Dr. Driessens!
CELT is hosted by Open Journal Systems at the University of Windsor.