Nipissing University invites input on presidential search

North Bay, ON – Nipissing University is seeking public input on its presidential search through an online survey that will help identify the criteria believed to be important in the selection of the institution’s next President and Vice-Chancellor.
The University has engaged the services of executive search firm, Boyden, to assist with the search process. The consultation phase is underway and is an important step in ensuring that the University’s community and key stakeholders are part of the recruitment process.
To participate in the consultation process, individuals are invited to complete a short, anonymous, online survey. The information collected will be summarized by Boyden and then reviewed and considered by the selection committee as it develops the position description, role profile and interview process. Any interested groups or individuals are asked to fill out the survey on or before November 19, 2020.
For specific questions regarding the survey or to access it in an alternative format, please contact Jessa Chupik at or by phone at 416-606-9093.
Nipissing has also launched a Presidential Search website with additional information about the search process.
Cheryl Sutton has been serving as Nipissing University’s interim president since July 1 following the resignation of Dr. Mike DeGagné who held the role since 2013. The University anticipates a new President and Vice-Chancellor will be in place by July 2021.
Nipissing University, located in North Bay, ON, is a young and dynamic institution known for offering one of the best undergraduate experiences among universities in Canada. As a small university, Nipissing offers a warm, friendly atmosphere, access to supportive professors and a personalized learning environment. Nipissing University is consistently ranked among the top in the country for student satisfaction, student support services, residence life and mental health services.
Meghan Venasse
Manager, Communications
Nipissing University
705-474-3450 ext. 4615