Shamrock Cup a rocking success

Photo of on-campus ball hockey game

The action was fast and furious, with many slightly bruised shins and many smiling faces for the inaugural Shamrock Cup ball hockey tournament in support of the Paul Nelson Memorial Scholarship.
The tournament was a great success, raising more than $1,000 for the scholarship in just two hours.

There were six teams vying for the coveted Shamrock Cup.  

The championship game featured the Dark Knights, a team made up of Bachelor of Physical Health and Education students, facing off against the Hemoglobin Trotters, a rag tag bunch of aging faculty and staff members.

The two teams battled it out down to the wire, before the Dark Knights broke a 1-1 tie with about 1-minute left. The final score was 2-1 in favour of the Dark Knights.  Paul “the Cochrane Dandy” Courville scored the lone goal for the Hemoglobin Trotters. Dark Knight scoring information was unavailable at press time.

Congratulations to the Dark Knights: Costa Georgitsos, Will Craig, Curtis Anderson,Hayden Comeau,Matt Collevechio, and Cam McSween.

In addition to the game, student Caleb Mady won the Chuck-A-Puck grand prize, a whole bunch of Lakers gear. 

My Nipissing