Dr. Srigley co-edits journal

Congratulations to Dr. Katrina Srigley, Associate Professor of History, who has co-edited a new special section of the Oral History Review (Volume 45, Issue 1), with Dr. Stacey Zembrzycki, Affiliate Assistant Professor in the department of History at Concordia University.
The special section is titled Decentering and Decolonizing Feminist Oral Histories: Reflections on the State of the Field in the Early Twenty-First Century.  You can read it, here.

The section also features an article written by Dr. Srigley with Nipissing graduate Lorraine Sutherland (BA’06; MA’14), titled Decolonizing, Indigenizing, and Learning Biskaaybiiyang in the Field: Our Oral History Journey.

Here’s an abstract of the article:

Centering Anishinaabeg and Ininiw ways of learning from, understanding, and sharing history, this article explores the oral history journeys of Lorraine Sutherland and Katrina Srigley on Nbisiing Anishinaabeg and Mushkegowuk territory in Ontario, Canada. The authors argue for the importance of a decolonized approach to feminist oral history, an approach which centers the histories of women and other marginalized voices in ways that acknowledge and mobilize Indigenous ways of understanding, documenting, and sharing stories of the past. The authors build this argument through stories, in the Anishinaabeg and Ininiw way; they offer a framework for drawing meaningfully on Anishinaabeg, Ininiw, and Western forms of feminist oral history.

My Nipissing