Dr. Geden exhibiting in Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

Ralph Smith: Trapper, oil on canvas
Ralph Smith: Trapper, oil on canvas

Anyone planning a trip to London, England, this summer has the opportunity to enjoy some NU-related culture by visiting the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition where Dr. Dennis Geden, associate professor of Fine Arts, is exhibiting his painting, Ralph Smith: Trapper.

This is the Royal Academy's 250th annual Summer Exhibition and it is promising to be their most popular ever.  The Summer Show's Head Coordinator, Grayson Perry RA (alter-ego Claire) promised a show filled to the brim with "art made now" and followed through with an eclectic variety of visual art ranging from work by the Queen's niece, Sarah Armstrong-Jones, to David Hockney to Banksy. 

Geden’s painting was submitted by his London dealers, The Redfern Gallery. It's not easy to get into a Royal Academy Summer Show. Twenty-thousand digital entries from non-members were narrowed to 4,000 that they asked to 'really' see, and of those about 800 were hung. Occupying 12 gallery rooms and hanging side by side with Royal Academy Members, there are over 1,300 artworks on view. 

Geden's Ralph Smith: Trapper is hanging in Grayson Perry's large and very yellow room beside the entry from Banksy. 

The show, which runs until August 19, received 5/5 stars from all the major art critics and droves of people are enjoying the event.
