Meet student leader James Donovan

Nipissing students consistently impress as leaders, in the classroom, on campus and in the community.  Recently the university celebrated 25 student leaders at the annual Dave Marshall Leadership Awards.  Over the coming months, NU News will introduce each student leader to the wider community with a short article discussing their accomplishments and activities. Today, we are pleased profile James Donovan, a student in the Bachelor of Arts, Honours with a specialization in Psychology.

Donovan is a confident and collaborative leader in the Psychology lab, in student activities, and in the classroom. Through his enthusiasm, competence, and guidance, Donovan motivates and aids other lab members in their research pursuits. As vice-president of the student’s Psychology Society, he gives students a voice in university affairs and encourages them to connect through psychology. Donovan also serves as a positive role model as an informed and engaged participant in classroom discussions. 

As a research volunteer, Donovan demonstrated his motivation to learn and his excellent understanding of the research process. He is a highly effective and valued lab member who has already co-authored seven conference presentations (three as first author) at local, national, and international meetings. Donovan is now leading a follow-up study and preparing the experiment for data collection. He also continues to contribute significantly to several other ongoing lab research projects. 

Donovan is positive, open-minded, and personable. His dedication and sense of responsibility are evident in his studies, research, and student-group activities.

Dave Marshall Leadership AwardMy Nipissing